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Simplification of the Create, Read, Update and Delete web pages of the application models.


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Simplification of the Create, Read, Update and Delete web pages of the application models.



All application required multiple pages for edited the base models. This pages generally are equals to each other.

This package allows reduce this task at minimum of actions.

You only require create and configure your models, and this package create the necessary controllers, views and actions for the Create, Read, Update and Delete actions.




.net core 2.1, .net core 3.1 or .net 5.0

bootstrap 3.3.7 or bootstrap 4.3.1

font awesome 5.0.6

Since version 2.2.1, the icons in the font awesome are replaced by the configured text labels if the font is not loaded.


Basic usage

  1. Add the package to your application
    Install-Package JCTools.GenericCrud -Version 2.2.2
    dotnet add package JCTools.GenericCrud --version 2.2.2
  2. Add the next lines in the method ConfigureServices of your Startup class
        services.AddGenericCrud<MyContext>(options =>
            // add the models type to manage with the package
            // ...
            // options is an instance from JCTools.GenericCrud.Settings.IOptions
            // use this interface to custom the generated CRUDs globally
            // eg;
            // Indicate if desired use Modals
            options.UseModals = true;
            // Set the bootstrap version to be used (default v4.3.1)
            options.BootstrapVersion = Settings.Bootstrap.Version3;
            // add a model with a custom controller
            options.Models.Add<Models.Movie, int, MovieController, Data.Context>();            

    In the version 2.0.0 the method ConfigureGenericCrud was renamed to AddGenericCrud.

  3. Run to app and access at the url http://localhost:5000/[ModelName], sample: http://localhost:5000/Country. In the browser you should see a similar page to : Sample index page Sample index page

    Your app's layout page may make it look different from the images above.

Demo apps

The current repository include 3 demo apps for showing the described features of the package:

Other features

Custom controllers

If your desired personalize your controllers, add additional actions or override the default actions, then

  1. Create a new controller the inherits from JCTools.GenericCrud.Controllers.GenericController. e.g;

    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using JCTools.GenericCrud.Controllers;
    using JCTools.GenericCrud.Services;
    using JCTools.GenericCrud.DataAnnotations;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
    namespace MyApp.Controllers
        public class MyController : GenericController
            public MyController(
                IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
                IViewRenderService renderingService,
                IStringLocalizerFactory localizerFactory,
                ILoggerFactory loggerFactory
                : base(serviceProvider, renderingService, localizerFactory, loggerFactory, "Id")
                // add your custom logic here
  2. Add the related model in the method ConfigureServices of your Startup class using specifying the custom controller, eg;

        options.Models.Add<Models.Movie, int, MovieController, Data.Context>();
  3. (optional) If you override the OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) or OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next) controller methods, make sure to invoke the base methods for the correct initializations of the controller settings

        // ...
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
            // Call the initialization of the Settings property
            // Add your custom settings here, eg;
            Settings.UseModals = false; // disabled the modals
            Settings.Subtitle = "All entities"; // change the default subtitle
            // Customizing the Icons and Buttons Classes of the Index Page
            var index = Settings as IIndexModel;
            index.NewAction.IconClass = "fa fa-plus-circle";
            index.NewAction.ButtonClass = "btn btn-success btn-sm";
            index.DetailsAction.IconClass = "fa fa-info";
            index.DetailsAction.ButtonClass = "btn btn-info btn-sm";
            index.EditAction.IconClass = "fa fa-edit";
            index.EditAction.ButtonClass = "btn btn-warning btn-sm";
            index.DeleteAction.IconClass = "fa fa-eraser";
            // other things
            ViewBag.Countries = (DbContext as Context).Countries.ToList();
        // Or
        public override Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
            // Call the initialization of the Settings property
            // Add your custom settings here, eg;
            Settings.UseModals = false;
            Settings.Subtitle = "All entities";
            ViewBag.OtherEntities = (DbContext as Data.Context).OtherEntities.ToList();
            return base.OnActionExecutionAsync(context, next);
  4. Run to app and access at the url http://localhost:5000/[model name], e.g. http://localhost:5000/movie

You can see a sample custom controller in the demo apps called MovieController:

Entity model property settings

Version 2.0.0 includes the ability to customize property settings in an entity model. For this propose using the data annotation CrudAttribute in the namespace JCTools.GenericCrud.DataAnnotations.

This data annotation have third properties:

  • Visible: Boolean indicating that the property is or not visible in CRUD views.

  • UseCustomView: Boolean indicating that the property has custom views for rendering in details, create, delete, and edit actions.

    Two custom views are required per property, one for read-only views (Details and Delete actions) and one for editable views (Create and Edit actions).

    • Readonly views are named _Details.cshtml.
    • Editable views are named _Edit.cshtml.
      eg; if the property is named Status, the CRUD expects to find two views named _DetailsStatus.cshtml and _EditStatus.cshtml.
  • IsEditableKey: Boolean that indicates whether the entity property is an Id/Key and whether or not it is editable by the user.

    When an Id / Key property is editable, editing the entity is actually a deletion of the stored entity followed by the creation of a new entity using the new values.


JCTool.GenericCrud includes since version 2.1.0 the possibility of managing access to CRUD controllers using an authorization policy.

The name of the default policy is JCTools.GenericCrud.CrudPolicy, and by default authorization is not activated and anonymous access is allowed.

To turn on authorization validation, just add a call to UseAuthorization in your Startup.ConfigureServices method. e.g;

    services.AddGenericCrud<MyContext>(options =>
        // ...
        o.UseAuthorization(f => f.RequireAuthenticatedUser()); // add this line

Note: If no action is specified for policy validation, by default only one authenticated user is required.

Links and HTML anchors

To insert a link to a custom CRUD or CRUD, you only need to use ASP.NET Core Anchor Tag Helper.

    <a asp-area="" asp-controller="MyEntity" asp-action="Index">My Label</a>

Notice that it was used in the entity model name instead of the controller name.

Note: In .Net Core 2.1 the controller is named Generic and is required add the asp-route-entitySettings attribute with the entity model name, eg; <a asp-area="" asp-controller="Generic" asp-action="Index" asp-route-entitySettings="MyEntity">My Label</a>

Globalization and localization

By default, generic CRUDs support ASP.NET globalization and localization, as described in the official documentation.

But only the english and spanish languages are included into the package.

You can extend or replace the included localized strings with your own translations by following the steps below:

  1. Generate your own resources files (.rex), according the official documentation

  2. Include the same keys that contains the include files I18N.resx and

  3. Configure your startup class for use the globalization and localization middleware

  4. Modify the initialization of the GenericCrud in the method ConfigureServices of your Startup class for include the next line:

     services.AddGenericCrud<MyContext>(options =>
         // ...
         o.ReplaceLocalization(Resources.MyResourcesClass.ResourceManager); // add this line

    The Resources.MyResourcesClass.ResourceManager corresponds to the property ResourceManager of the autogenerated file in the step 1

Api rest

The package enable for each of the configured models a API rest for interact with the related data to the specified model.

If you specified the Accept header in the request then the package return the found data in the specified mimetype.

Supported response mime types

application/json and application/xml are the supported MIME types; but, if you specified another mimetype, the package will return an html view with the data found in the response.

Get all data

GET http://host:post/{entity}/{id}

Allows get all related data of the specified entity. It's equivalent to the Index action of the CRUD.


Path parameters

  • entity parameter (required): Is the name of the model related of the desired entities. It should be corresponds with any of the configured models into the startup class.

  • id parameter (optional): Is the Id or Key value of a specific entity. Use this parameter for get a separated specified entity data of rest of the data.



  • By default, the sent response is a html view with the found data using the configured styles by the application. See the images of the basic usage section.
  • If the Accept header is established a response object with the following properties is sent:
    • Data: Collection with all found data
    • Selected: Object with the related data to the specified id request parameter. Null if the related entity not exists.
    • Message: String with a message for the user related of the executed operation. Empty string if all is OK.
    • The followings are samples of responses:
      • Accept:application/json:
          "data": [
                  "name": "Action",
                  "description": "Action movies"
                  "name": "Drama",
                  "description": "Drama movies"
          "message": "",
          "selected": {
              "name": "Action",
              "description": "Action movies"
      • Accept:application/xml
              <Description>Action movies</Description>
              <Description>Drama movies</Description>
          <Message>Cambios almacenado correctamente.</Message>
              <Description>Action movies</Description>

Get entity details

GET http://host:post/{entity}/{id}/details

Allows get all related data to an specific entity, It's equivalent to the CRUD Details action.


Path parameters

  • entity parameter (required): Is the name of the model related of the desired entity. It should be corresponds with any of the configured models into the startup class.

  • id parameter (required): Is the Id or Key value of a specific entity.



  • By default, the sent response is a html view with the found data using the configured styles by the application. The following image correspond to a response for the details request of the model genre of a demo app. Details sample
  • If the Accept header is established a response object with the found entity is send.
    • The followings are examples of equivalent responses to the image above:
      • Accept:application/json:
          "name": "Action",
          "description": "Action movies"
      • Accept:application/xml
          <Description>Action movies</Description>

Create a new entity

POST http://host:post/{entity}

Allows create a new entity specifying the entity data, It's equivalent to the CRUD Create action.


Path parameters

  • entity parameter (required): Is the name of the model related of the new entity. It should be corresponds with any of the configured models into the startup class.



A serialized object with the required data for the specified model type.

In the xml requests is required that the root element was named data


The following js code is used for create a new entity of the model Country in the Demo app:

  • For JSON content:
    var myHeaders = new Headers();
    myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
    var requestOptions = {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: myHeaders,
        body: JSON.stringify({"Name":"A new country"}),
        redirect: 'follow'
    fetch("http://host:port/Country", requestOptions)
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(result => console.log(result))
        .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
  • For XML content:
    var myHeaders = new Headers();
    myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/xml");
    var requestOptions = {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: myHeaders,
        body: "<data><Name>A new country.</Name></data>",
        redirect: 'follow'
    fetch("http://host:port/Country", requestOptions)
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(result => console.log(result))
        .catch(error => console.log('error', error));   


If the creation is successful, the API return a object serialized in XML or JSON depending of the Content-Type header value, with the following properties:

  • Success: True if the operation was successful; else, false.
  • Data: A serialized object with all related data of the new created entity if the Success property is true; else, a string collection with the error messages


Continuing with the previous example seen for the request; the responses in XML and JSON would be:

  • Content-Type:application/json:

        "success": true,
        "data": {
            "id": 7,
            "name": "A new country"
  • Content-Type:application/xml

            <Name>Country from xml</Name>

Edit entities

PUT http://host:post/{entity}

Allows update previously created entities specifying the new data for the entity, It's equivalent to the CRUD Edit/Update action.


Path parameters

  • entity parameter (required): Is the name of the model related of the new entity. It should be corresponds with any of the configured models into the startup class.

  • id parameter (required): Is the Id or Key value of a specific entity.



A serialized object with the new data for the entity to update.

Is required that this object contains the id/key property of the entity for the correct validation.

In the xml requests is required that the root element was named data


The following js code is used for create a new entity of the model Country in the Demo app:

  • For JSON content:
    var myHeaders = new Headers();
    myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
    var raw = ;
    var requestOptions = {
        method: 'PUT',
        headers: myHeaders,
        body: JSON.stringify({
            "Name":"Country edited from JSON data"
        redirect: 'follow'
    fetch("http://host:port/Country/5", requestOptions)
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(result => console.log(result))
        .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
  • For XML content:
    var myHeaders = new Headers();
    myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/xml");
    var requestOptions = {
        method: 'PUT',
        headers: myHeaders,
        body: "<data><id>5</id><Name>Country edited from xml request</Name></data>",
        redirect: 'follow'
    fetch("http://host:post/Country/5", requestOptions)
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(result => console.log(result))
        .catch(error => console.log('error', error)); 


If the update process is successful, the API return a object serialized in XML or JSON depending of the Content-Type header value, with the following properties:

  • Success: True if the operation was successful; else, false.
  • Data: A serialized object with all related data of the new created entity if the Success property is true; else, a string collection with the error messages


Continuing with the previous example seen for the request; the responses in XML and JSON would be:

  • Content-Type:application/json:

        "success": true,
        "data": {
            "id": 5,
            "name": "Country edited from JSON data"
  • Content-Type:application/xml

            <Name>Country edited from xml request</Name>

Delete entities

DELETE http://host:post/{entity}/{id}

Allows delete all related data to an specific entity, It's equivalent to the CRUD Delete Confirm action.


Path parameters

  • entity parameter (required): Is the name of the model related of the desired entity. It should be corresponds with any of the configured models into the startup class.

  • id parameter (required): Is the Id or Key value of a specific entity.


  • HTTP OK (status code 200): The delete action was successful.
  • HTTP Internal server error (status code 500): The delete actions cannot executed. Review the app logs for more details.

Release notes

In this link you can be the release notes of the package.


MIT License