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FireWorks/Atomate Tutorial

⚠️ WARNING: This tutorial does not provide any licensed code or file.


FireWorks is a free, open-source code for defining, managing, and executing scientific workflows. It can be used to automate calculations over arbitrary computing resources, including those that have a queueing system.

Atomate makes it possible to perform complex materials science computations using very straightforward statements.

Pymatgen is a robust, open-source Python library for materials analysis.


  • fireworks_tutorial.ipynb: Basic introduction to FireWorks with simple examples from their documentation.

  • fireworks_tutorial_vasp.ipynb: FireWorks/Atomate tutorial for materials science (VASP).

  • fireworks_tutorial_fakevasp.ipynb: Same tutorial but using RunFakeVasp (FireTask) instead of VASP code.

  • src/ Custome analysis firetasks (e.g PlotEncutCalib, FitEOSTask, etc.)

  • src/ General DFT settings for the tutorial.

  • src/ Directories for FakeVasp and custome Fireworks OptimizeFakeFW and TransmutterFakeFW.


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