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Merge pull request #455 from jolicode/remote #124

Merge pull request #455 from jolicode/remote

Merge pull request #455 from jolicode/remote #124

Re-run triggered May 13, 2024 09:16
Status Success
Total duration 6m 55s
Artifacts 8


on: push
Create phars and upload
1m 2s
Create phars and upload
Create Linux amd64 static binary and upload
Create Linux amd64 static binary and upload
Create MacOs amd64 static binary and upload
1m 46s
Create MacOs amd64 static binary and upload
Create MacOs arm64 static binary and upload
6m 42s
Create MacOs arm64 static binary and upload
Upload artifacts to the release
Upload artifacts to the release
Fit to window
Zoom out
Zoom in


Produced during runtime
Name Size
8.25 MB