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Clarity backend code challenge

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This project is my implementation of Clarity blackend code challlenge.

Solution description

Based on requirements I've created two programs:

  • listhosts to implement first requirement: Parse the data with time_init and time_end.
  • parselog to implement second requirement: Unlimited input parser.

Also, I've creatd an utility, log-generator for testing purposes. It generates a log line (timestamp source-source target-host) every 100 milliseconds in standard output.

The project structure is based on Standard Go Project Layout.

Why Go languaje?

The requirements are about processing files, so, generating a native application looks like the more natural way to implement it. This ease the integration with other tools, allowing orchestration, piping with other utilities, etc; let's say as much POSIX as possible.

Also, taking into account that are like a system applications, using a language optimized for this things will help to improve performance and resource consumption.

Build the project


Project struxcrture

The source file for three programs are located in cmd/ folder. There are an main package for each program: listhost, parselogand logsupplier.

There are two code packages:

  • logparser with common behaviour, line opening the file reader or parsing a log line.
  • types with the data types used by program (set and hostconnections)

How to build


This build the binaries listhosts, parselog and log-generator in the project root directory.

Running the programs

Parse the data with time_init and time_end (listhosts)

Print a list of hostnames connected to the given host during the given period

./listhosts [-start=time_init] [-end=time_end] [-host=hostname] [-v] [-h] [FILE]
Parameter Description
-start=time_init The start date. Defaul is from begining
-end=time_end The end date. Default is to the end
-host=hostname The host to find. Default is all host
-v Print errors and warnings in stardard error
-h Show command line arguments and exit
FILE The file to process. If no file it process standard input


# all host related to *Aadvik* between two dates from a file.
./listhosts -start=1565647205599 -end=1565687511867 -host=Aadvik -v test/input-file-10000.txt

# all host related to *Aadvik* from standard input (piped)
cat test/input-file-10000.txt | ./listhosts -host=Aadvik

# count all host related to *Aadvik* from standard input (piping stdin and stdout)
cat test/input-file-10000.txt | ./listhosts -host=Aadvik | wc -l

Unlimited input parser (parselog)

Process a log file and, for a period of time, reports:

  • a list of hostnames connected to the given host.
  • a list of hostnames received connections from given host.
  • the hostname that generated most connections.
./parselog [-host=hostname] [-lapse=seconds] [FILE]
Parameter Description
-host=hostname The host to find. Default is no host
-lapse=seconds Number of seconds to gererate report. Default 3600 (1 hour)
FILE The file to process. If no file it process standard input


# Parse a file looking for connections with 'Aadvik' host
./parselog -host=Aadvik test/input-file-10000.txt

# Parse logs from input stream, generating report each 10 seconds for host dijkstra
./log-generator | ./parselog -lapse=10 -host=dijkstra

Ramdom log lines provider (log-generator)

To help running the samples, I've created an small tool that generates log lines in the stardanr output each 100 Milliseconds.

Parameter Description
-delay=milliseconds Number of milliseconds to wait between log line generation
./log-generator [-delay=milliseconds]