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A web front-end for Reported.


Install Node and Yarn, then run the following:

git clone reported-web
cd reported-web
cp .env.example .env


In one session, load variables from .env into your environment, then:

yarn mongo-start
yarn parse

In another session:

yarn start

Miscellaneous commands:

yarn dashboard # Runs a dashboard for the Parse server
yarn mongo-stop # Stops MongoDB

Context on localStorage use (w.r.t performance concerns about lag/delay/slowness/latency when typing)

Over the years, reports of slow typing have come from multiple users, and it periodically gets (re)discussed in our Slack. Since our Slack currently doesn't preserve old messages, I often find myself re-investigating the issue and re-typing previous responses. This section is meant to provide more central and permanent documentation of these investigations.

For example: here's one of my posts from a conversation from July 2023 where this came up:

hey y'all, "happy" to see it's not just Rich Mintz and Justin with this issue, that makes it easier to investigate. As @Justin found, this does seem to have to do with the webapp's use of localStorage to save the form's state locally.

The original intent of this change was to make it so that fields like your username/password and violation type would be saved across sessions, so that you don't have to log back in every time you open the website. However, it sounds like this may be storing more data than intended, possibly the "Previous Submissions" section as Rich mentioned.

I'm hesitant to remove the use of localStorage entirely, as that could cause other issues like one that was previously reported when I tried to stop using localStorage as much, and led to it being reintroduced:

Not sure if this is an app problem or a me and my phone problem, but when I am starting a report, then leave the tab or browser before I finish, it makes me start all over from the login screen when I come back

For reference, the periodic saving of form state was added to fix a bug where "swiping away" the webapp (when installed as a "progressive web app" or PWA) didn't actually save the form state.

If the latency issues are indeed related to the number of previous submissions made, then hopefully I can make it so that those aren't part of the saved state, and speed things back up for our power users, without losing the upsides of keeping saved state across webapp loads.

Hmm, looking into the localStorage usage, I currently only see the following fields being saved (specifically, not Previous Submissions), when I run Object.keys(JSON.parse(localStorage.Function)):


And the saved data is only 597 characters long, according to localStorage.Function.length

Seth, Rich Mintz, Justin, and anyone else affected by this issue, could you run the above commands in your JS console, or find another way to tell me how big the localStorage usage of the webapp is?

If clearing localStorage speeds things up for you, that makes me wonder if some browsers implement it in a way that gets slower over time, even though I believe the code overwrites any previously stored data, rather than appending to a list of "previous form states" or anything like that

Responses from Justin:

(20) ['email', 'password', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Phone', 'testify', 'plate', 'licenseState', 'typeofcomplaint', 'reportDescription', 'can_be_shared_publicly', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'coordsAreInNyc', 'formatted_address', 'CreateDate', 'isAlprEnabled', 'isReverseGeocodingEnabled', 'isUserInfoOpen', 'isMapOpen']

The issue reappears shortly after clearing the local storage. Can it just be caused by hammering the save every 500ms? Or maybe the debounce is broken and its saving more often?

as a test, after clearing local storage

  • login
  • type something in the description box
  • refresh
  • typing in description box is now laggy

More debugging info from

My next step might be to add some profiling in to make it clearer how long each save is taking

TL;DR: I've made some good progress finding the source of the issue

back on the code that uses localStorage, I'm doing some debugging locally on my MacOS desktop, and I am able to reproduce the issue by typing quickly and seeing the letters not instantly appear!

I tried removing just the auto-save behavior while keeping the other localStorage usage (mainly, loading the username/password/etc when the app is first loaded, but that doesn't fix the problem.

However, if I go on to remove the localStorage usage entirely, the problem goes away for me, so it seems like the problem is indeed in the localStorage code, but not necessarily the auto-saving part of it.


back to the debugging, I tried adding a bunch of logging to the React component that uses localstorage, to see if it was being called even without the auto-saving behavior in the webapp, but I don't see any extra logs in the console when typing in the description field, so now I'm thinking that something about the component itself being present in the React component tree is causing the slowness


We've managed to work around the problem by not loading Previous Submissions until clicked on, see

ok, it's definitely related to the presence of the Previous Submissions section, as I've found by removing it and seeing performance go back to normal:

Interesting! Does it vary with number of previous submissions? Could explain why it’s gotten worse for me over time

yeah, I think it must. Still don't know why it affects the performance of saving the state, but I can make it so that the Previous Submissions don't load until you expand the section, which works around the problem for me in that I can type quickly as long as I don't expand that section, but it's still available to me if I want it

This project is based on React Starter Kit. See its README below:

React Starter Kit README

React Starter Kit — "isomorphic" web app boilerplate  

React Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development built on top of Node.js, Express, GraphQL and React, containing modern web development tools such as Webpack, Babel and Browsersync. Helping you to stay productive following the best practices. A solid starting point for both professionals and newcomers to the industry.

See getting started guide, demo, docs, roadmap  |  Join #react-starter-kit chat room on Gitter  |  Visit our sponsors:


Getting Started


The master branch of React Starter Kit doesn't include a Flux implementation or any other advanced integrations. Nevertheless, we have some integrations available to you in feature branches that you can use either as a reference or merge into your project:

You can see status of most reasonable merge combination as PRs labeled as TRACKING

If you think that any of these features should be on master, or vice versa, some features should removed from the master branch, please let us know. We love your feedback!



React Starter Kit

React Static Boilerplate

ASP.NET Core Starter Kit

App type Isomorphic (universal) Single-page application Single-page application
Language JavaScript (ES2015+, JSX) JavaScript (ES2015+, JSX) JavaScript (ES2015+, JSX)
Libraries React, History, Universal Router React, History, Redux React, History, Redux
Routes Imperative (functional) Declarative Declarative, cross-stack
Language JavaScript (ES2015+, JSX) n/a C#, F#
Libraries Node.js, Express, Sequelize,
n/a ASP.NET Core, EF Core,
ASP.NET Identity
SSR Yes n/a n/a
Data API GraphQL n/a Web API


♥ React Starter Kit? Help us keep it alive by donating funds to cover project expenses via OpenCollective or Bountysource!

lehneres Tarkan Anlar Morten Olsen Adam David Ernst Zane Hitchcox

How to Contribute

Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute to this project. The best way to start is by checking our open issues, submit a new issue or feature request, participate in discussions, upvote or downvote the issues you like or dislike, send pull requests.

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Related Projects

  • GraphQL Starter Kit — Boilerplate for building data APIs with Node.js, JavaScript (via Babel) and GraphQL
  • Membership Database — SQL schema boilerplate for user accounts, profiles, roles, and auth claims
  • Babel Starter Kit — Boilerplate for authoring JavaScript/React.js libraries



Copyright © 2014-present Kriasoft, LLC. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE.txt file. The documentation to the project is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

Made with ♥ by Konstantin Tarkus (@koistya) and contributors