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VS Code extension for the Dart programming language. Edit classes, generate code and models, emit diagnostics and sync documentation. Supports models in Dart, JSON schema and JSON typedef.


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dart-fixer VSCode Extension and Libraries

This extension provides various utilities for working with Dart models, JSON schemas, JSON type definitions, and Dart or Markdown documentation.

Table of Contents

Example Workspace

You may find the test_workspace useful for usage and configuration examples in a Dart project.


Describe specific features of your extension including screenshots of your extension in action. Image paths are relative to this README file.

For example if there is an image subfolder under your extension project workspace:

![feature X](images/feature-x.png)

Tip: Many popular extensions utilize animations. This is an excellent way to show off your extension! We recommend short, focused animations that are easy to follow.


Name Type Required Description Default
generatorConfig string false The default configuration used to generate code for Dart classes
generator Map<string,GenerationOptions> false A map of configurations used to generate code for Dart classes. The keys can be used as the generatorConfig value or as configuration for mappings in mappings[key].generatorConfig
mappings Map<string,ModelMappingConfig> false Configures model mappings, each configuration will execute a code generation task. The input will be mapped to generate the model representation in JSON or Dart
errorAnalysisBehavior "lint" | "fix" | "lintOpened" false Task to perform linting or error fixes automatically "lint"

Dart models, JSON Schema and JSON Type Definition

You may generate Dart classes or JSON schemas by using commands or with the Model mappings configuration.

Model mappings

A model mapping configuration specifies the input and output paths and the type of files (JSON schemas, Dart classes) that the code generation should parse and generate.


A configuration to map a collection of models in inputPath with inputExtension of type inputKind to outputPath with outputExtension to files of type outputKind following the generatorConfig.

Name Type Required Description Default Example
inputKind "document" | "schema" | "typeDefinition" | "dart" true The input kind. When choosing a json input kind, the json files within inputPath and following inputExtension will be mapped to the outputKind. If the input kind is "dart", the Dart files will be mapped.
inputPath string true The path for the input file(s). If its a file, only the single input file will be mapped to a single output file. If its a directory, inputExtension will be used to filter the input files.
outputPath string true The path for the output file(s). If its a file, the input files will be mapped to the outputPath. If its a directory, outputExtension will added as suffix to the output file names mapped from the files in inputPath.
generatorConfig string false The configuration used to generate code for Dart classes
outputKind "schema" | "typeDefinition" false The output kind. When inputKind is a JsonFileKind, the output will be Dart. "schema"
inputExtension string false The suffix the file names should have to be considered an input. The default is ".dart" when inputKind is "dart" and ".json" otherwise. Only supported language types are dart, json, json5 and yaml. ".json" | ".dart"
  • ".yaml"
outputExtension string false The suffix the file names will have when mapped from inputPath to outputPath. Only applies when outputPath is a directory, otherwise outputExtension will be ignored. The default is ".dart" when inputKind is a JsonFileKind and ".json" when inputKind is "dart". Only supported language types are dart, json, json5 and yaml. ".json" | ".dart"
  • ".schema.json5"
  • "_model.dart"
omitTypeNamesRegExp string false A regular expression that filters the names of input types. If the RegExp matches a Dart type or a json schema or type definition name, that type will not be in the mapped output.

JSON Schema vs JSON Type Definition

We support both types of schema, as input or output of the extension. For a discussion on choosing one of the schema types you may visit

Documentation and example snippet synchronization

This extension provides a way to keep code or documentation snippets synchronized automatically. This may be useful if you want to use the same documentation from you code in a Markdown (.md) file or you may what to use your test code as an example snippet in your code's documentation or README file (or any Markdown).

Markdown and Dart documentation comments

You may define snippets with the snippet-define comment in a Markdown file:

<!-- snippet-define:name -->
<!-- snippet-define-end:name -->

Or inside Dart documentation comments:

/// <!-- snippet-define:name -->
/// Documentation
/// <!-- snippet-define-end:name -->

And include the snippets with an <!-- snippet-include:name --> html comment in Markdown files or in documentation comments in Dart files:

/// <!-- snippet-include:name -->

After generation the Dart comment will look like this, with the last two lines generated:

/// <!-- snippet-include:name -->
/// Documentation
/// <!-- snippet-include-end:name -->

Dart code

You may also define snippets from Dart code:

// snippet-define:name
final value = functionCall();
expect(, "SomeName");
// snippet-define-end:name

which will be included within "```dart" code section in the Markdown:

/// <!-- snippet-include:name -->
/// ```dart
/// final value = functionCall();
/// expect(, "SomeName");
/// ```
/// <!-- snippet-include-end:name -->

Dart model utilities generation

Multiple utilities can be generated from Dart classes. These include utilities for serialization and de-serialization (toJson and fromJson), data class or equality/immutable methods (copyWith, equality, hashCode, Builder class), other utilities such as an enum and getter for all fields in the class.

When the generated code is out-of-date with the source code, the extension will show an error that can be fixed automatically with a code action.

The generated sections will be wrapped around comments:

// generated-dart-fixer-start{"md5Hash":"mfnSPzw24h0O/pBs92rMYw=="}
// generated-dart-fixer-end{"md5Hash":"mfnSPzw24h0O/pBs92rMYw=="}

The md5Hash provides a way to identify whether the generated code is out-of-date. At the moment, if you change the generated code, the extension will not show an error, since the hash of the generated code has not changed. The extension will show an error only when the new generated code has a different hash than the one in the comment.


Name Type Required Description
toJson GenerationOptions.toJson false Generates a Map<String, Object?> toJson() method that returns a dart Map<String, Object?> with json values.
fromJson GenerationOptions.fromJson false Generates a Model.fromJson(Map json) factory inside the class.
equality GenerationOptions.equality false Generates a bool operator ==(Object other) and int get hashCode overrides for dart equality checks.
copyWith GenerationOptions.copyWith false Generates a Model copyWith(...fields) method
toStringOverride GenerationOptions.toStringOverride false Generates a String toString() method override that returns a String with all the field values.
allFieldsGetter GenerationOptions.allFieldsGetter false Generates a List<Object?> get props getter that returns the values for all fields.
allFieldsEnum GenerationOptions.allFieldsEnum false Generates a enum ModelField with all the fields in the class. The enum contains multiple fields and methods that have information about the field and its type.
builder GenerationOptions.builder false Generates a class ModelBuilder with utilities for editing and setting fields and creating new instances of the Model from the values. Can be used to create instances of Model. It's an alternative to the copyWith method.
observable GenerationOptions.observable false Generates a class ModelObservable with utilities for subscribing to changes in a mutable model creating new instances of the Model from the values. Can be used to create instances of Model. Can be used with the mobx library's Observable or with Flutter's ValueNotifier.


Name Type Required Description
nested boolean false Whether call the toJson method for nested values.
metadata string false You may put Dart comments or annotations for the method


Name Type Required Description Default
constructorName string false The name of the constructor factory. "fromJson"
metadata string false You may put Dart comments or annotations for the factory
parameterType "Object?" | "dynamic" | "Map" | "Map<String, Object?>" false The parameter type for the constructor. "Map"


Name Type Required Description
equalsMethod string false Whether to use a custom equals method instead of Dart's == operator for the comparison of the fields. For example, if using package:collection you could set it to "const DeepCollectionEquality().equals" for deep equality
hashMethod string false Whether to use a custom hash method instead of Dart's .hashCode getter for the hashCode of the class. For example, if using package:collection you could set it to "const DeepCollectionEquality().hash" for deep equality
customImport string false A custom import for the equalsMethod. For example, if using import "package:collection:collection.dart"; for deep equality
deep boolean false Whether to use package:collection's deep equality methods


Name Type Required Description
metadata string false You may put Dart comments or annotations for the method


Name Type Required Description
metadata string false You may put Dart comments or annotations for the method


Name Type Required Description Default
name string false The name of the getter. "props"
metadata string false You may put Dart comments or annotations for the getter


Name Type Required Description Default
nameTemplate string false The name for the Fields enum. You may use "{{name}}" as a variable inside the template that will be replaced with the name of the model. "{{name}}Field"
metadata string false You may put Dart comments or annotations for the enum


Name Type Required Description Default
nameTemplate string false The name for the Builder class. You may use "{{name}}" as a variable inside the template that will be replaced with the name of the model. "{{name}}Builder"
metadata string false You may put Dart comments or annotations for the class


Name Type Required Description Default
reactivityClass string true The name of the reactivity class for example. For example "Observable" for mobx.
customImport string true An import needed to use the reactivity class
nameTemplate string false The name for the Observable class. You may use "{{name}}" as a variable inside the template that will be replaced with the name of the model. "{{name}}Observable"
collectionsReactivityClass boolean false
passThisToConstructor boolean false Whether to pass this, the observable instance, to the constructor of the reactivity class false
metadata string false You may put Dart comments or annotations for the class

fromJson factory

Generates a Model.fromJson(Map json) factory inside the class. The parameter type is a // TODO.

toJson method

Generates a Map<String, Object?> toJson() method that returns a Dart Map<String, Object?> with json values.

equality operator and hashCode getter

Generates a bool operator ==(Object other) and int get hashCode overrides for Dart equality checks.

copyWith method

Generates a Model copyWith({FieldType? fieldName, ...}) method that returns a new instance of the class with the fields overridden with the values passed as argument.

toString method

Generates a String toString() method override that returns a String with all the field values.

allFields getter

Generates a List<Object?> get props getter that returns the values for all fields.

field enum

Generates a enum ModelField with all the fields in the class. The enum contains multiple fields and methods that have information about the field and its type.

builder class

Generates a class ModelBuilder with utilities for editing and setting fields and creating new instances of the Model from the values. Can be used to create instances of Model, it's an alternative to the copyWith method.


Command Description Configuration
findAllErrors Analyses all the code and shows all errors as vscode diagnostics N/A
fixAllErrors Fixes all errors found by this extension N/A
dartModelFromJTD Generates a Dart file from a JSON Type Definition file The default generator configuration will be used
dartModelFromJsonSchema Generates a Dart file from a JSON Schema file The default generator configuration will be used
dartModelFromJsonDocument Generates a Dart file from a JSON Type Definition file The default generator configuration will be used

Code Actions

For all error diagnostics we provide a Quick Fix Code Action. You can fix them individually using the vscode interface or with the fixAllErrors command.

A code action will appear por JSON documents, for which you can generate Dart classes, similar to the commands. The extension of the JSON file will determine the type of schema that will be parsed: JSON Schema (.schema.json), JSON Type Definition (.jtd.json) or a JSON document (.json) with an instance of the class.


If you have any requirements or dependencies, add a section describing those and how to install and configure them.

Extension Settings

Include if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the contributes.configuration extension point.

For example:

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • myExtension.enable: Enable/disable this extension.
  • myExtension.thing: Set to blah to do something.

Known Issues

Calling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension.

Release Notes


Initial release of ... Fixed issue #. Added features X, Y, and Z.


Fork the repository and install the packages:

npm i


We use ESLint for static analysis of the code. You may want to install the ESLint extension for vscode.

The npm run eslint command (run in CI) will execute the ESLint static analysis verification.


We use Prettier for formatting the code. You may want to install the Prettier extension for vscode.

The npm run prettier command will fix the formatting issues.

The npm run prettier-check command (run in CI) will execute the prettier verification.

Run Extension

You may run the Run Extension vscode task set up in the launch.json configuration. This will open a new window with the extension running. If you make changes to the extension source code, you will need to reload the opened Extension Development Host vscode window for it to use the new implementation.

Test Extension

You may run the vscode tasks in the launch.json configuration.

  • Extension Test for the vscode extension integration tests.
  • mocha test for tests that do not require the vscode library to run. You may have to configure your node.js path with the mochaExplorer.nodePath if using the Mocha Test Explorer extension.

Test Workspace

There is a test workspace in the test_workspace directory featuring a Dart package with some use cases for the extension. You may run the extension and test the features manually by opening this folder in the new Extension Development Host vscode window.

Following extension guidelines

Ensure that you've read through the extensions guidelines and follow the best practices for creating your extension.


"keybindings": [
    "command": "dart-fixer.helloWorld",
    "key": "ctrl+.",
    "mac": "cmd+.",
    "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == dart"


VS Code extension for the Dart programming language. Edit classes, generate code and models, emit diagnostics and sync documentation. Supports models in Dart, JSON schema and JSON typedef.








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