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tslint NPM version Builds

A linter for the TypeScript language.

Supported Rules

  • ban bans the use of specific functions. Options are ["object", "function"] pairs that ban the use of object.function()
  • class-name enforces PascalCased class and interface names.
  • comment-format enforces rules for single-line comments. Rule options:
    • "check-space" enforces the rule that all single-line comments must begin with a space, as in // comment
      • note that comments starting with /// are also allowed, for things such as ///
    • "check-lowercase" enforces the rule that the first non-whitespace character of a comment must be lowercase, if applicable
  • curly enforces braces for if/for/do/while statements.
  • eofline enforces the file to end with a newline.
  • forin enforces a for ... in statement to be filtered with an if statement.*
  • indent enforces consistent indentation levels (currently disabled).
  • interface-name enforces the rule that interface names must begin with a capital 'I'
  • jsdoc-format enforces basic format rules for jsdoc comments -- comments starting with /**
    • each line contains an asterisk and asterisks must be aligned
    • each asterisk must be followed by either a space or a newline (except for the first and the last)
    • the only characters before the asterisk on each line must be whitepace characters
  • label-position enforces labels only on sensible statements.
  • label-undefined checks that labels are defined before usage.
  • max-line-length sets the maximum length of a line.
  • no-arg disallows access to arguments.callee.
  • no-bitwise disallows bitwise operators.
  • no-console disallows access to the specified functions on console. Rule options are functions to ban on the console variable.
  • no-consecutive-blank-lines disallows having more than one blank line in a row in a file
  • no-construct disallows access to the constructors of String, Number, and Boolean.
  • no-debugger disallows debugger statements.
  • no-duplicate-key disallows duplicate keys in object literals.
  • no-duplicate-variable disallows duplicate variable declarations.
  • no-empty disallows empty blocks.
  • no-eval disallows eval function invocations.
  • no-string-literal disallows object access via string literals.
  • no-trailing-whitespace disallows trailing whitespace at the end of a line.
  • no-unreachable disallows unreachable code after break, catch, throw, and return statements.
  • one-line enforces the specified tokens to be on the same line as the expression preceding it. Rule options:
    • "check-catch" checks that catch is on the same line as the closing brace for try
    • "check-else" checks that else is on the same line as the closing brace for if
    • "check-open-brace" checks that an open brace falls on the same line as its preceding expression.
    • "check-whitespace" checks preceding whitespace for the specified tokens.
  • quotemark enforces consistent single or double quoted string literals.
  • radix enforces the radix parameter of parseInt
  • semicolon enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • triple-equals enforces === and !== in favor of == and !=.
  • typedef enforces type definitions to exist. Rule options:
    • "callSignature" checks return type of functions
    • "catchClause" checks type in exception catch blocks
    • "indexSignature" checks index type specifier of indexers
    • "parameter" checks type specifier of parameters
    • "propertySignature" checks return types of interface properties
    • "variableDeclarator" checks variable declarations
  • typedef-whitespace enforces spacing whitespace for type definitions. Each rule option requires a value of "space" or "nospace" to require a space or no space before the type specifier's colon. Rule options:
    • "callSignature" checks return type of functions
    • "catchClause" checks type in exception catch blocks
    • "indexSignature" checks index type specifier of indexers
  • use-strict enforces ECMAScript 5's strict mode
    • check-module checks that all top-level modules are using strict mode
    • check-function checks that all top-level functions are using strict mode
  • variable-name allows only camelCased or UPPER_CASED variable names. Rule options:
    • "allow-leading-underscore" allows underscores at the beginnning.
  • whitespace enforces spacing whitespace. Rule options:
    • "check-branch" checks branching statements (if/else/for/while) are followed by whitespace
    • "check-decl"checks that variable declarations have whitespace around the equals token
    • "check-operator" checks for whitespace around operator tokens
    • "check-separator" checks for whitespace after separator tokens (,/;)
    • "check-type" checks for whitespace before a variable type specification


sudo npm install tslint -g
npm install tslint


Please first ensure that the TypeScript source files compile correctly.

usage: tslint

  -c, --config  		 configuration file
  -f, --file    		 file to lint                 [required]
  -o, --out     		 output file
  -r, --rules-dir   	 rules directory
  -s, --formatters-dir   formatters directory
  -t, --format  		 output format (prose, json)  [default: "prose"]

By default, configuration is loaded from .tslintrc or tslint.json, if either exists in the current path.

var options = {
	formatter: "json",
    configuration: configuration,
    rulesDirectory: "customRules/",
    formattersDirectory: "customFormatters/"

var Linter = require("tslint");

var ll = new Linter(fileName, contents, options);
var result = ll.lint();



git clone
cd tslint
git submodule init
git submodule update


npm install


  • Add more rules from jshint
  • Disallow variables referenced outside of their scope definition
  • Disallow unused variables
  • Support pluggable formatters


A linter for the TypeScript language.







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  • TypeScript 99.4%
  • JavaScript 0.6%