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unroll react elements using your own host element resolver


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Simple utility for unrolling react elements with function-based components as their types. Useful when using jsx for static, non-react use cases (e.g. a pdf renderer).

import unrollElement from 'unroll-element'

const Report = ({ title }) => (

unrollElement(<Report title='A report!' />, (el, children) =>
 [el.type, children]);
// => ['document', ['text', 'A report!']]


unrollElement(el, resolverFn[, context])

Takes in a react element el and returns a tree of objects, where each object is a result returned by resolverFn.

resolverFn has the form (el, children, i, context), where el is a host element to resolve, children is its resolved children and i is the index of element el in its parent's children after flattening arrays and fragments, or null if there is only a single child in the parent, or if el is the root element.

For elements with a single child, the resolved child is passed as children. For elements with multiple children, an array of resolved children is passed as children. For leaf elements, children is the value the of the element's 'children' prop, or undefined if no such prop exists. Non-element child values are not passed to resolveFn, and are instead used as is. Fragment and array child values are flattened before being passed as children.

An optional context can be given to unrollElement, which is then passed as an argument for each call to resolverFn.


You can use this library as the npm package unroll-element:

npm i unroll-element
# or
yarn add unroll-element

It can be used in both es-module-aware and commonjs bundlers/environments.

// es module
import unrollElement from 'unroll-element'

// commonjs
const unrollElement = require('unroll-element')

It can also be used a <script> if necessary:

<script crossorigin src=""></script>
