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A user manual on what it's like to work with me. Including my natural proclivities and habits.


My typical day

  • My day starts at 8 AM. I may come off as anti-social in the mornings, I just need time to wake up. It’s nothing personal if I seem to struggle through conversation in the mornings.
  • I spend the first half-hour catching up with emails and Slack messages.
  • The start of the workday is at 8:30 AM and consists of working meetings like stand ups. Getting caught up with the team.
  • Next, I like to line up any brainstorms in the first half of the day. Anytime before noon. Depending on availability. This is also because members of our team are in Europe. I like to be respectful of their days also.
  • I take an hour lunch with my fiancé around noon. This is a sacred time.
  • Focused work takes place in the afternoon. This is also when interpersonal meetings can happen.
  • Ideally, I end my workday at 6 PM.

My strengths and weaknesses


  • I know a little about a lot of things and am enthusiastic to learn something new.
  • I can adapt quickly to most situations so long as it is clear what changes are taking place.
  • Empathy is the default for me, I will always strive to understand where others are coming from.


  • I tend to overthink things which can lead to decision paralysis.
  • I do not adapt well to last-minute changes that aren’t well communicated.
  • I have a hard time speaking to large audiences. This is something I am working on.

I do my best work when

  • …goals are clear, and I have autonomy in executing the work.
  • …I have opportunities to get a pulse on how I am doing.
  • …I have a foundational understanding of what I am working on.
  • …I can collaborate with others.



Receiving Feedback

  • High-value feedback:
    • Clear what the feedback is about.
    • Actionable and realistic to act on.
    • Delivered on a personal level (e.g. one-on-one in a meeting or async in an agreed upon space).
  • Low-value feedback:
    • Ambiguous and not clear how I can improve.
    • Attacks of character, accusations, assumptions.
    • Delivered impersonally (e.g. somewhere we didn’t mutually agree on like a random public channel or randomly in a large meeting).

Giving Feedback

  • I love helping others polish ideas—optimisations and improvements.
  • I need explicit direction on the feedback you are looking for, else I’ll give feedback on just about anything that comes to mind.
  • Unless otherwise stated, feedback will be delivered personally.

Preferred communication


  • Slack: Messages through Slack are the best way to get my attention. I treat Slack messages as synchronous (rarely asynchronous). If I cannot commit to actively participating, I’ll try my best to let you know when I will respond or schedule a time to follow up with you.
  • Meetings: If something can’t be easily summarised in a written sentence, it’s easier for me to discuss it verbally. This is where I may ask for a Slack Huddle or Google Hangout.


  • Documents: Whether in Notion or Google Docs, if you have an idea and want to communicate it to me passively, send me a link to a document.
  • Emails: This is the best way to communicate non-urgent things to me. I check emails first thing in the morning and sporadically throughout the day. Though, I am less reliable with checking my inbox later in the day.


  • Recorded meetings are appreciated as I occasionally forget details. I prefer to record over taking notes because I prefer to stay focused on the conversation rather than on note-taking.

Conflict resolution

I am conflict-averse as a default. However, I won’t back down if I strongly believe in or care about something. Conflict is most likely to occur for me if I feel there is some sort of injustice or oversight happening.

I am likely to attempt to understand where you’re coming from rather than assert things I am assuming about you. When I ask a lot of questions, it's not meant as an attack, but as an attempt to understand.



  • I will always attempt to find an answer before asking a question.
  • Clear and directive support is important to me.


  • I am often the first to jump at the chance to support others in ways I know I can contribute meaningfully.

Common misunderstandings about me

  • I have a tendency to appear rigid about structuring communication or work. This is not because I’m a control freak, but because I need structure to get my work done. I am quite open to new ideas and ways of structuring things if it doesn’t work for others. But I need to be explicit about things.


Top 3 Core Values

  • Empathy—I strongly believe in putting myself in another person’s shoes regardless of my own experiences and ability to truly empathise. This often manifests as me asking a lot about your experiences or perceptions so I can understand where they are coming from.
  • Reliability—Being reliable to others is important to me. I will try my best always to let you know if I cannot commit to something initially agreed upon ahead of time. On the flip side, I generally uphold others to this value as well. If in doubt, over communicate.
  • Honesty—Dishonesty is probably the number one thing I try to avoid. I try to always come prepared with the most factual information I can.

My Favorite Things

  • Food—I cook a lot at home. I went into culinary arts early at university, but later on decided on a different direction. That said, I love to talk about cooking techniques and enjoy sharing recipes.
  • Traveling—I enjoy traveling to the remote corners of the world. I definitely won’t turn down an opportunity to go somewhere that is non-remote, so long as there are great experiences to be had.
  • Reading—Primarily thick hefty fiction books in the SciFi, Fantasy, and Historical genres. Or any mix of those together. My favourite series are Wheel of Time (I’ve read 6 of the 15 books in the series so far) and anything related to Middle-Earth (Lord of the Rings) or Westeros / Old Valyria (Game of Thrones).

Personality Test Results

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)The Giver, ENFJ-T though the TL;DR is…
    • Extroverted ENFJs tend to be ambiverts, meaning we do not get energy from socialising like other extroverts do. We need time to recharge. However, when we have high energy or are interested in something we love to be involved and can be highly social.
    • Intuitive
    • Feeling
    • Judging Judgement stems from the idea of anticipation and planning. We are less go with the flow, like our Perceiving counterparts.
    • Turbulent The Turbulent aspect of ENFJs speaks to a perfectionist quality (which, can sometimes be unfortunate). We are always looking for ways to improve and fear making mistakes.
  • EnneagramType 1 Wing 2, The Advocate
  • Four TendenciesQuestioner


A user manual on working with me.






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