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(DOCSP-37332) Changes configuration file template (mongodb#278) (mong…
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sarahsimpers committed Mar 5, 2024
1 parent b0a5724 commit b18f552
Showing 1 changed file with 46 additions and 207 deletions.
253 changes: 46 additions & 207 deletions source/reference/json/cloud-backup-schedule-config-file.txt
Expand Up @@ -10,218 +10,57 @@ Cloud Backup Schedule Configuration File
:depth: 1
:class: singlecol

You can use a cloud backup schedule configuration file to specify the
settings required when you `update a cloud backup schedule
using the {+atlas-cli+}. The {+atlas-cli+} accepts ``.json`` cloud
backup schedule configuration files.
.. facet::
:name: genre
:values: tutorial

.. To create a configuration file doc, copy this template, change
.. the replacements below, and update the H1 title and refs.

.. |atlas-cli command| replace:: :ref:`atlas-backups-schedule-update`
.. |configuration-file-name| replace:: cloud backup schedule configuration
.. |openapi-link| replace:: :oas-atlas-tag:`Update Cloud Backup Schedule for One Cluster </Cloud-Backups/operation/updateBackupSchedule>`
.. |action| replace:: update a cloud backup schedule

You can use a |configuration-file-name| file to specify the
settings required when you |action|
using the {+atlas-cli+}. The {+atlas-cli+} accepts ``.json``
|configuration-file-name| files.

.. _cloud-backup-schedule-settings:

Cloud Backup Schedule Settings

You can specify the following settings to update a cloud
backup schedule either in the configuration file or as flags in the

.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 10 70

* - Field
- Type
- Description

* - ``autoExportEnabled``
- boolean
- Flag that indicates whether |service| automatically exports
cloud backup snapshots to the |aws| bucket.

* - ``copySettings``
- array
- List that contains a document for each copy setting item in the
desired backup policy.

* - | ``copySettings.``
| ``cloudProvider``
- string
- Human-readable label that identifies the cloud provider that
stores the snapshot copy.

* - | ``copySettings.``
| ``frequencies``
- array of strings
- List that describes which types of snapshots to copy.

* - | ``copySettings.``
| ``regionName``
- string
- Target Atlas region to copy snapshots belonging to ``replicationSpecId``
to. Please supply the **Atlas Region** that corresponds to your
:ref:`AWS <amazon-aws>`, :ref:`GCP <google-gcp>` or :ref:`Azure
<microsoft-azure>` region.

* - | ``copySettings.``
| ``replicationSpecId``
- string
- Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the
replication object for a zone in a cluster. For global clusters,
there can be multiple zones to choose from. For sharded clusters
and replica set clusters, there is only one zone in the cluster.
To find ``thereplicationSpecId``, do a GET request to
:oas-atlas-op:`Return One Cluster in One Project
</getLegacyCluster>` and consult its ``replicationSpecs`` array.

* - | ``copySettings.``
| ``shouldCopyOplogs``
- boolean
- Flag that indicates whether to copy the oplogs to the target
region. You can use the oplogs to perform point-in-time restores.

* - ``deleteCopiedBackups``
- array
- List that contains a document for each copy setting item in the
desired backup policy.

* - | ``deleteCopiedBackups.``
| ``cloudProvider``
- string
- Human-readable label that identifies the cloud provider for the
deleted copy setting whose backup copies you want to delete.

* - | ``deleteCopiedBackups.``
| ``regionName``
- string
- Target Atlas region to copy snapshots belonging to ``replicationSpecId``
to. Please supply the **Atlas Region** that corresponds to your
:ref:`AWS <amazon-aws>`, :ref:`GCP <google-gcp>` or :ref:`Azure
<microsoft-azure>` region.

* - | ``deleteCopiedBackups.``
| ``replicationSpecId``
- string
- Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the
replication object for a zone in a cluster. For global clusters,
there can be multiple zones to choose from. For sharded clusters
and replica setclusters, there is only one zone in the cluster.
To find ``thereplicationSpecId``, do a GET request to
:oas-atlas-op:`Return One Cluster in One Project
</getLegacyCluster>` and consult its ``replicationSpecs`` array.

* - ``export``
- object
- List that contains a document for each copy setting item in the
desired backup policy.

* - | ``export.``
| ``exportBucketId``
- string
- Unique 24-hexadecimal character string that identifies the |aws|

* - | ``export.``
| ``frequencyType``
- string
- Human-readable label that indicates the rate at which the export
policy item occurs.

* - ``policies``
- array
- Rules set for this backup schedule.

* - | ``policies.``
| ``id``
- string
- Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies this backup

* - | ``policies.``
| ``policyItems``
- array
- List that contains the specifications for one policy.

* - | ``policies.``
| ``policyItems.``
| ``frequencyInterval``
- integer
- Number that indicates the frequency interval for a set of
snapshots. A value of ``1`` specifies the first instance of the
corresponding ``frequencyType``.

- In a monthly policy item, ``1`` indicates that the monthly
snapshot occurs on the first day of the month and ``40``
indicates the last day of the month.

- In a weekly policy item, ``1`` indicates that the weekly
snapshot occurs on Monday and ``7`` indicates Sunday.

- In an hourly policy item, you can set the frequency interval to
``1``, ``2``, ``4``, ``6``, ``8``, or ``12``. For hourly policy
items for NVMe clusters, |service| only accepts ``12`` as
the frequency interval value.

* - | ``policies.``
| ``policyItems.``
| ``frequencyType``
- string
- Human-readable label that identifies the frequency type
associated with the backup policy.

* - | ``policies.``
| ``policyItems.``
| ``retentionUnit``
- string
- Unit of time in which |service| measures snapshot retention.

* - | ``policies.``
| ``policyItems.``
| ``retentionValue``
- integer
- Duration in days, weeks, or months that |service| retains the
snapshot. For less frequent policy items, |service| requires
that you specify a value greater than or equal to the value
specified for more frequent policy items.

For example: If the hourly policy item specifies a retention of two
days, you must specify two days or greater for the retention of the
weekly policy item.

* - ``referenceHourOfDay``
- integer
- Hour of day in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) that represents
when |service| takes the snapshot.

* - ``referenceMinuteOfHour``
- integer
- Minute of the ``referenceHourOfDay`` that represents when
|service| takes the snapshot.

* - ``restoreWindowDays``
- integer
- Number of previous days that you can restore back to with
continuous cloud backup accuracy. You must specify a positive,
non-zero integer. This parameter applies to continuous cloud
backups only.

* - ``updateSnapshots``
- boolean
- Flag that indicates whether to apply the retention changes in the
updated backup policy to snapshots that |service| took

* - ``useOrgAndGroupNamesInExportPrefix``
- boolean
- Flag that indicates whether to use organization and project names
instead of organization and project UUIDs in the path to the
metadata files that |service| uploads to your |aws| bucket.
Available Settings

When you |action| using a configuration file, you
can specify any settings that are listed in
|openapi-link| under :guilabel:`Request Body Schema`.

.. _example-cloud-backup-schedule-config-file:

Example Cloud Backup Schedule Configuration File
Create a Configuration File

Follow these steps to |action| with a configuration file:

.. procedure::
:style: normal

.. step:: Copy the sample request for |openapi-link|.

a. Navigate to the |openapi-link|
section of the |service| Admin API specification.
b. Under :guilabel:`Request samples` on the right side, click
:guilabel:`Expand all`.
c. Click :guilabel:`Copy` to copy the sample request.

.. step:: Create the configuration file.

a. Paste the copied sample request into a text editor and change
the values to reflect your values.
b. Save the file with a ``.json`` extension.

To update a cloud backup schedule for a single cluster, specify the
fields you want to update as shown in the following example file:
.. step:: Run the |atlas-cli command| command with
the ``--file`` option.

.. literalinclude:: /includes/update-cloud-backup-schedule-config-file.json
Specify the path to the file you saved with the ``--file`` flag.

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