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Releases: jxskiss/simplessl

v0.6.2 - bugfix

03 Nov 02:38
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update dependencies and release 0.6.2

Change-Id: I16346adbdbdcae8d736684a6d7a55f4e4317ccc9

v0.6.0 - Main refactor from the ground up

03 Sep 07:45
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Main refactor from the ground up.
new: support ACME servers other than Let's Encrypt
new: support issue and renew SAN certificates
new: use a new configuration format (v2)
new: support query certificate by configured name
change: refactor HTTP api to use drpc for better maintainability and consistency
change: change to use acmez (instead of acme/autocert and lego) to talk with ACME servers

v0.5.0 - support wildcard certificates

12 Jun 15:28
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  • fix: incorrect behavior when querying OCSP stapling before query certificate
  • new: support wildcard certificates, using Lego to resolve dns-p1 challenge
  • change: make lib/config be standalone module
  • change: upgrade dependency to latest
  • change: refactor code to use more sophisticated cli and logging libraries
  • change: refactor code for better maintainability

v0.4.3 - bugfix

17 May 16:11
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fix: OCSP stapling which failed because the wrong certificate was selected as issuer certificate, thanks @cedricdubois (#6)
new: optional "prefix" option for Redis storage

v0.4.2 - bugfix

02 Jun 16:33
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  • fix: request failed when only configured default cert available, #2
  • fix: suppress log messages when the OCSP server returns error, #3
  • change: upgrade dependency to latest

This release also has fix for the Openresty library, please use opm upgrade jxskiss/ssl-cert-server to upgrade the library.

v0.4.1 - tls-alpn-01 challenge

21 Aug 16:23
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  • new: support tls-alpn-01 challenge for Golang library
  • new: use cdata pointer instead of der for LRU cache
  • change: remove OCSP stapling from LRU cache which is unnecessary and not been properly refreshed

v0.4.0 - Support managed and self-signed certificates and graceful restart

16 Aug 08:30
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Update: this release has known bugs, please upgrade to newer release.


  • new: support managed certificates
  • new: support self-signed certificate
  • new: Golang library to use with arbitrary Golang program which needs TLS support
  • new: sub-command to generate a self-signed certificate
  • new: (lua) layered cache for sake of best performance (per-worker LRU cache + shared memory cache)
  • new: graceful restart like Nginx without losing any request
  • change: use YAML configuration file to replace command line flags, since we support more features, the command line flags is not enough to do configuration
  • change: (internal) reorganize code into smaller files for better maintainability
  • change: (internal) optimize lua shared memory cache using for better performance
  • fix: add fingerprint to certificate and OCSP staple cache, to make sure we get correct OCSP staple for the corresponding certificate, without this, incorrect OCSP staple cache may be used for a short period after the certificate is renewed

This release is a major change with quite a lot of new features and improvements.

v0.3.0 - ACMEv2

13 Mar 14:55
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  • new: optional redis as cache storage
  • change: update autocert to support ACMEv2
  • change: use go module to manage golang dependency

Release v0.2.0

11 Aug 06:08
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See for changelog.

ssl-cert-server binaries:

The openresty library did not change except the version string, if you are installing the first time, please refer for installation instruction.

fix: 408 Request Time-out from OCSP stapling server

20 Jun 10:41
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SSL cert server binaries:

The openresty library did not change, if you are installing the first time, please refer for installation instruction.