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Personal dotfiles that can be placed in the public repository
Also known as 盆栽(bonsai) 🌳

For visitors

If you are using the podman, You can test the pre-built container-image as follows.

bash <(curl -fsSL latest

For local use, replace s/PRESONA/user/ in following sections may fit.

Installation - Linux(Ubuntu), Darwin

  1. Install Nix package manager with DeterminateSystems/nix-installer.
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
  2. Make sure there is a nix directory that is used in the home-manager.
    This is a workaround, See the thread for detail
    mkdir -p ~/.local/state/nix/profiles
  3. Restart current shell to load Nix as a PATH
  4. Apply dotfiles for each use
    nix run 'github:kachick/dotfiles#home-manager' -- switch -b backup --flake 'github:kachick/dotfiles#PERSONA'

Installation - Windows

Read the tips and CI


If you are developing this repository, the simple reactivation is as follows.

makers apply PERSONA

Using podman may require to install some dependencies without Nix

# "shadow" in nixpkg is not enough for podman -
sudo apt-get install uidmap

If you encounter any errors in the above steps, Check and update CI and wiki.