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###ActionScript collection library - Stream

Basically stream is an array wrapper that adds many useful methods and properties (filter, iterate, map, fold, flatMap, first, second ... , last, empty etc.).

Inspired by Javascript and Ruby arrays, Scala collections.

Complete documentation, unit tests with 100% code coverage, Travis CI integration (automatic testing, asdoc and coverage report generation).

See latest release.

Creating Stream

var s:Stream = $(1, 2, 3);
var s:Stream = $([1, 2, 3]);
var s:Stream = $(new ArrayCollection([1, 2, 3]));
var s:Stream = $(new ArrayList([1, 2, 3]));
var s:Stream = $(new Stream([1, 2, 3]));

var s:Stream = Stream.from([1, 2, 3]);
var s:Stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3);

//All expressions are equivalent to:
var s:Stream = new Stream([1, 2, 3])

//Create from iterable object
var obj:Object = {name1: "first", name2: "second"};
var s:Stream = Stream.from(obj);
//prints Stream{Stream{"name1", "first"}, Stream{"name2", "second"}}

//create stream from object property names or property values
var s:Stream = Stream.fromKeys(obj);
//prints Stream{"name1", "name2"}

var s:Stream = Stream.fromValues(obj);
//prints Stream{"first", "second"}

//create from XMLList or XML
var s:Stream = $(<root><item>1</item><item>2</item></root>);
var s:Stream = Stream.from(<root><item>1</item><item>2</item></root>);
//prints Stream{<item>1</item>, <item>2</item>}

Iteration and element access

Stream extends Proxy class and provides the same iteration capabilities as standard Array:

var s:Stream = $(1, 2, 3);
for each (var item:* in s)

for (var i:int = 0; i < s.length; i++)
//prints 1, 2, 3

var values:Iterator = s.iterator();
while (values.hasNext)
   var n:Number =;
//or use standard for each loop
for each (var item:Number in values)

//set item at index 0
s.setItem(5, 0);
s[0] = 5;
s.first = 5;
//last item also has index -1, item before last -2 and etc. (Ruby-like)
s[-3] = 5;

//remove item from Stream
delete s[0];

Stream is about 10x slower when accessed by index ([index]) and it seems to be Proxy overhead. If you need better performance (3x slower than Array) use methods to access Stream items: getItem(index) and setItem(value, index).

Convert Stream to any collection

var s:Stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3);

var collection:ArrayCollection = s.collection();
var array:Array = s.array();
var vector:Vector.<Object> = s.vector();
var list:ArrayList = s.list();

Array-like methods

Stream has all methods(every, forEach, map, some, slice, splice, push, pop etc.) that standard Array has:

var s:Stream = $(1, 2, 3);
s.forEach(function(item:Number, index:uint):void
s.forEach(function(item:Number, index:uint, stream:Stream):void
//prints 1, 2, 3

foldLeft, foldRight methods

Javascript Array has reduce method which is quite similar.

var sum2:Number = $(0, 1, 2, 3, 4).foldRight(function (prev:Number, current:Number):Number
   return prev + current;
}, 10);
//prints 20

flatMap, flatten

var s:Stream = new Stream([1, 2, 3], $(4, 5, 6), new ArrayCollection([7, 8, 9]));
var mapped:Stream = s.flatMap(function(item:*):*
   //this is nop callback, used just for example
   //you can use short form: s.flatten();
   return item;
//prints 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Various filtering methods

//filter out null, NaN or undefined items
var s:Stream = Stream.of(null, NaN, undefined).compact();
trace(s, s.length);
//prints Stream{}, 0

public class Item
  public var name:String;
  public var price:Number;

var item1:Item = new Item("1", 1);
var item2:Item = new Item("2", 2);
var s:Stream = $(item1, item2);

// 1. using custom callback
var result:Stream = s.filter(function(item:Item):Boolean{
   return item.price > 1;

// 2. using provided global functions(can compare Boolean, Number, Date, XML, String types)
//    supports nested properties i.e. member("prop.prop.prop")
var result:Stream = s.filter(gt(member("price"), 1));

// 3. using Proxy magick and global functions
var result:Stream = s.price(gt(_, 1)); 

//all three provide identical results

E4X descendant accessor operator ..

Short alternative to map method:

var item1:Item = new Item("car", 1);
var item2:Item = new Item("truck", 2);
var s:Stream = $(item1, item2);

var prices:Stream = s..price;

//prints 1,2

Many other handy methods and properties

Stream can be converted to Object, Dictionary or custom class (using group method).

var item1:Item = new Item("1", 1);
var item2:Item = new Item("2", 2);
var s:Stream = $(item1, item2);

var d:Dictionary = s.dictionary("name");

trace(d["1"], item1);
//prints first item

//prints second item

//prints true

//prints true

   return item.price > 1;
trace(s.count(gt(member("price"), 1)));
//prints 1

See also: group,partition,fill,find,findIndex, drop, zip, zipWithIndex, skip etc.


You can build library using Intelij Idea or Apache Maven.

  • Compile mvn compile<...>
  • Run tests mvn test -DflashPlayer.command="<path to flash player projector>"
  • Generate coverage report mvn flexmojos:coverage-report -DflashPlayer.command="<path to flash player projector>"
  • Generate documentation: mvn flexmojos:asdoc