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Habitat ROS is a ROS 1 package for robot simulation in habitat-sim providing customizable robotic sensors (2D Laser, 3D Lidar, RGBD camera, semantic, odometer) and TF broadcasting

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A ROS package connecting the Habitat and providing some common sensors (Laser, Lidar) not supported in the Habitat Sim. You can easily build a robot and set the topic, static links and sensors with config files.


The package is currently tested with:

- Ubuntu: 20.04
- ROS: noetic
- Conda: 4.12.0
- habitat-sim: 0.2.1 & 0.2.2


Note: You may refer to habitat-sim for step 1 and 2.

  1. Initialize the conda env:

     conda create -n habitat python=3.7 cmake=3.14.0
     conda activate habitat
  2. Install the Habitat-Sim package:

     conda install habitat-sim withbullet -c conda-forge -c aihabitat
  3. Install the dependencies:

     conda install -c anaconda pyqt
     conda install -c conda-forge pyyaml rospkg defusedxml opencv numba
     conda install -c esrf-bcu simple-pid
  4. Install Habitat-ROS package:

     $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
     $ git clone
     $ cd ..
     & catkin_make

Trouble Shooting

  • loading fail due to pyqt: try different installation order in step 3.

Setting Dataset

It currently tested with the HM3D-semantic v0.1 and v0.2 dataset.

Please prepare and set the path to the dataset config file by setting the environment variable "HABITAT_DATASET_PATH".

$ export HABITAT_DATASET_PATH=your/path/to/dataset.scene_dataset_config.json

Note: We recommend adding this line to the ~/.bashrc or your bash file.


Always remenber to activate your conda env before starting this.

$ conda activate {your habitat env}

Activate a simulation environment (with control panel in default):

$ roslaunch habitat_ros oreo.launch

Activate a simulation environment (without control panel):

$ roslaunch habitat_ros oreo.launch control_panel:=false

You can also specify a scene by argument "scene":

$ roslaunch habitat_ros oreo_sim.launch scene:=00009


The control panel defines a few keys to control the robot.

W/S/A/D: move forward/backward/left/right
Q/E: rotate left/right
SPACE: accelerate

O: restart the control panel (sometime it stucks.)
esc: turn off the control panel

How to build a custom robot?

We recommend creating a new package to organize the config and model of your custom robot.

We also provide a lot of instructions in the comments.

  1. download and decompress it to your {catkin_ws}/src/
  2. catkin_make your workspace
  3. roslaunch myrobot myrobot.launch

You may also refer to the releases.


Habitat ROS is a ROS 1 package for robot simulation in habitat-sim providing customizable robotic sensors (2D Laser, 3D Lidar, RGBD camera, semantic, odometer) and TF broadcasting







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