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Ditto CI Status Version Carthage Swift Pacakge Manager License

Ditto allows you to serialize your swift object to JSON object compatible dictionary.


  • Customizable mapping.
  • Auto mapping with frequently used mapping style.
  • Custom type convertible supported.
  • Nested serializable.


  • Xcode 8.0+
  • Swift 3.0



pod 'Ditto-Swift'


github "kevin0571/Ditto"

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1)


import Ditto

struct ExampleStruct {
    let string = "string"
    let anotherString = "anotherString"
    let int = 1
    let url = URL(string: "")

extension ExampleStruct: Serializable {
    func serializableMapping() -> Mapping {
        return [
            "string": "str",
            "int": "integer",
            "url": "url"

// Serialize ExampleStruct
let exampleStruct = ExampleStruct()

// To Dictionary
let jsonObject: JSONObject = exampleStruct.serialize()
let jsonArray: [JSONObject] = [exampleStruct, exampleStruct].serialize()
 "jsonObject" will be a dictionary with content:
    "str": "string",
    "integer": 1,
    "url": ""
 note that "anotherString" is not being serialized,
 becuase mapping of "anotherString" is not defined in "serializableMapping".
// To String
let jsonObjectString: String = exampleStruct.serialize()

// To Data
let jsonObjectData: Data = exampleStruct.serialize()

Auto Mapping

Available auto mapping styles: lowercaseSeparatedByUnderScore, lowercase, lowerCamelCase, upperCamelCase

extension ExampleStruct: Serializable {
    func serializableMapping() -> Mapping {
        return AutoMapping.mapping(
            for: self, 
            style: .lowercaseSeparatedByUnderScore

// Serialize ExampleStruct with auto mapping
let exampleStruct = ExampleStruct()
let jsnObject = exampleStruct.serialize()
 "jsonObject" will be a dictionary with content:
    "string": "string",
    "another_string": "anotherString",
    "int": 1,
    "url": ""

Custom Type Convertible

class CustomClass {
    let string = "string"
    let int = 1
    private var converted: String {
        return "Converted to: \(string), \(int)"

extension CustomClass: Convertible {
    func convert() -> Any {
        return converted

struct ExampleStruct {
    let customClass = CustomClass()

extension ExampleStruct: Serializable {
    func serializableMapping() -> Mapping {
        return AutoMapping.mapping(
            for: self, 
            style: .lowercaseSeparatedByUnderScore

// Serialize ExampleStruct
let exampleStruct = ExampleStruct()
let jsonObject = exampleStruct.serialize()
 "jsonObject" will be a dictionary with content:
    "custom_class": "Converted to: string, int"