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Dropwizard Metrics for Akka Actors

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This project instruments an Akka ActorSystem to provide Dropwizard metrics for Actors. Currently, the following metrics are captured:

  • A Gauge for the size of an Actors mailbox
  • A Timer measuring how long a message sits in an Actors mailbox


This project is composed of two modules:

  • akka-dropwizard-agent, a java agent which performs the ActorSystem instrumentation
  • akka-dropwizard-metrics which contains the code to configure the agent.

First, include the akka-dropwizard-metrics module in your project:


There is a singleton configuration class, AkkaDropwizard that must be configured before the ActorSystem is created

MetricRegistry registry = ...

By default, the metrics will be stored under a root prefix called actor-metrics. You can customize this by providing an instance of AkkaDropwizardSettings to AkkaDropwizard

AkkaDropwizardSettings settings = ...
MetricRegistry registry = ...
AkkaDropwizard.configure(registry, settings);

The instrumentation is performed by a java agent that you need to run with your application. Add the following argument to your VM startup properties:


Compatibility Matrix

Below are the versions Akka and Dropwizard that this library uses in each version

This Project Akka Version Dropwizard Version Spring Boot Version
1.0 2.5.x (Scala 2.12) 3.2.x N/A
1.1 2.5.x (Scala 2.12) 3.2.x 2.0.x
1.2 2.5.x (Scala 2.12) 3.2.x 2.0.x