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🎪 vue-google-sign-in

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A simple Vue component for Sign in With Google.

If you are migrating from Google Sign-In JavaScript Platform Library, this might be a great decision for you. Just simply import this plugin as a component and pass your client id as a component prop, and then vue-google-sign-in would do all the stuff for you!

🚀 Features

⭐ Support Vue 2 (composition-api is required) and Vue 3.

⭐ Popup UX mode

⭐ Render sign in button which is built by Google (You could do a bit customization)

In progress:

🔸 One Tap UX mode

🔸 Render my custom button with slot

📥 Install

$ npm i @kevin_hws/vue-google-sign-in

$ yarn add @kevin_hws/vue-google-sign-in

$ pnpm i @kevin_hws/vue-google-sign-in

⚠️ When using with Vue 2.6 or older, @vue/composition-api is required separately.

For Vue 2.7 or later, import vue directly like Vue3.

🔖 Example

<script setup lang="ts">
    import VueGoogleSignInButton from "@kevin_hws/vue-google-sign-in";
    // Or you can import like this
    // import { VueGoogleSignInButton } from "@kevin_hws/vue-google-sign-in";

    // clientId: Your google client id it would looks like:
    const clientId: string = `YOUR_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID`;

                type: 'standard',
                theme: 'filled_black',
                size: 'large',
                text: 'signin_with',
                shape: 'pill',
                logo_alignment: 'left',
                width: '300',
                locale: 'en',


Prop Type default information
clientId String (Required) - Google API client ID. Follow the steps here to get your own client ID.
buttonConfigs Object (Optional)
type: "standard",
theme: "outline", size: "large",
text: "signin",
shape: "rectangular",
logo_alignment: "left",
width: "200",
locale: "",
The button is rendered by GSI API. If you need more detail, please check it out on GsiButtonConfiguration

❓ Q&A

  • How to get my Google API client ID ?
    • Please follow the steps here to setup Credential and OAuth Consent Screen

📝 Reference