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ngmin-rails replacement for managing AngularJS minification in Rails assets pipeline


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Repository files navigation


Use in the Rails asset pipeline.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ngannotate-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

That's it! ngannotate-rails integrates seamlessly into the Rails asset pipeline; your JavaScript or CoffeeScript assets will automatically be run through the ng-annotate pre-minifier.


By default ng-annotate processing is disabled in development and test environments. Processing, however, can be enforced by specifying NG_FORCE=true option.


Javascript runtime

Issue with OSX javascript runtime

Use "therubyracer" as javascript runtime


gem 'therubyracer',  platforms: :ruby

For faster transpiling, can try to utilize miniracer


#gem 'therubyracer',  platforms: :ruby
gem 'libv8', '~> 5.0'
gem 'mini_racer', '~> 0.1.4'

# HACK KI due to "mini_racer"
gem 'sprockets-babel', git: '', tag: ''

ES2015+/coffeescript support

If using ES2015+ or coffeescript, it's recommended to use explicit "ngInject;" for classes.


"use strict";
export class TestController {
  constructor($q) {

    this.$q = $q;


Issue with Heroku

When pushing to heroku its important to invalidate all of your assets.

Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0'
Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.1'

Environment options

    • regexp passed to ng-annotate
    • see ng-annotate documentation
  • NG_OPT
    • comma separate list of "opt=value" key pairs passed as options to ng-annotate
    • see ng-annotate documentation
    • force ng-annotate processing in development/test environment

For example,

# Test assets compile in rails development environment
# (assuming config/environments/development.rb is adjusted approriately)

# with rails 3.2
NG_FORCE=true RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile

# with rails 4.1
NG_FORCE=true RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake assets:clobber assets:precompile

Rails configuration options

Defined in "config.ng_annotate"

  • process
    • Is annotation processing done for current environment (NG_FORCE=true takes precedence over this)
    • default: true for production, false for development and test
  • options
    • Options for ngannotate (NG_OPT and NG_REGEXP env variables take precedence over this)
    • default: {}
  • paths
    • Asset paths, which are handled. Paths in ignore_paths override this setting Values can be [String | Regexp | Proc] instances
    • default: [/.*/]
  • ignore_paths
    • List of asset paths, which are ignored from ngannotate processing. Values can be [String | Regexp | Proc] instances
    • default: ['/vendor/']

For example,


Rails.application.configure do
    config.ng_annotate.process = true
    config.ng_annotate.options = {
      key1: 'value',
      regexp: '...',
    config.ng_annotate.paths = [
    config.ng_annotate.ignore_paths = [

Testing assets locally

To allow testing precompiled assets locally in development environment.


# to allow testing assets:precompile in development environment
# Usage:
#   time NG_FORCE=true RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile:primary
#   NG_FORCE=true rails s -p 3001
if ENV['NG_FORCE'] == 'true'
  config.assets.compress = true
  config.assets.compile = false
  config.assets.digest = true
  config.assets.debug = false

precompile & start server

time NG_FORCE=true RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile:primary
NG_FORCE=true rails s -p 3001


Originally version numbering of this gem followed ng-annotate. However, in order to improve handling of possibly compatibility breaking fixes and improvements, version schema is now separated from ng-annotate. Instead of matching versions, changelog in wiki will indicate which is currently matching ng-annotate version.

Every released version is tagged with tag "vX.Y.Z".

Release Process

For ngannotate update (or any other improvements/fixes):

git checkout master
git pull
# if ngannotate update
rake ngannotate:build
git citool
# check that result makes sense and if so,
# use comment: ngannotate: vX.Y.Z
git tag vX.Y.Z
git push
git push --tags
gem build ngannotate-rails.gemspec
gem push ngannotate-rails-X.Y.Z.gems


  • Q: I installed ngannotate-rails, but my assets aren't getting processed with ng-annotate.

    A: Remember to delete tmp/cache/assets or touch all the related asset files so that the cached versions get regenerated. If you've precompiled your assets into public/assets, you'll need to re-precompile them.


Upgrading ng-annotate

The actual ngannotate project is bundled into this gem via Browserify. You can update to the latest version of ng-annotate via Rake:

rake ngannotate:build

Test Application

There is a Rails 3 application bundled in example/ that you can use to test the asset pipeline integration. Don't forget to remove tmp/cache/assets after upgrading to the latest version of ng-annotate.


This gem is based into


ngmin-rails replacement for managing AngularJS minification in Rails assets pipeline







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