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Kubernetes YAML Formatter X for Visual Studio Code

A Visual Studio Code extension that provides format support for YAML language.

You find the right format extension if you come from DevOps world, e.g., Kubernetes, Ansible Playbooks or CI workflow like Github Actions and so on.

Based on Longkai's Original Extension except updated


Format YAML

As a Kubernetes developer, aka YAML engineer, you deal with a lot of yaml files everyday. Take the k8s yaml for example:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
      app: nginx
  replicas: 2
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.14.2
        - containerPort: 80

As you see, the sequence style(containers and ports) in the k8s style yaml has no indent. Each time you play with kubectl, there is no indent. The official YAML Spec also does not include indenting arrays.

Unluckily, the builtin yaml format has its own option philosophy. It always does indent and resists to accept such a customization setting.


Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.config
    • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.config.useGlobalConfig: This will override all other settings (not including Workspace Config) and use the global configuration if it exists in the user's home directory. (default: false)
    • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.config.useWorkspaceConfig: This will override all other settings (including Global config) and use the workspace configuration if it exists. (default: true)
    • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.config.useGlobalConfigOverWorkspace: This will force the global config to be used even if there is a workspace config. (default: false)
  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.formatType: The type of formatting to use. 'basic' is the default, there is only basic currently. (default: basic)
  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.retainLineBreaks: Retain line breaks in formatted yaml (default: false)
  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.retainLineBreaksSingle: (NOTE: Takes precedence over retain_line_breaks) Retain line breaks in formatted yaml, but only keep a single line in groups of many blank lines. (default: false)
  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.scanFoldedAsLiteral: Option that will preserve newlines in folded block scalars (blocks that start with >) (default: false)
  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.indentlessArrays: Render - array items (block sequence items) without an increased indent. (default: false)
  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.disallowAnchors: If true, reject any YAML anchors or aliases found in the document. (default: false)
  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.maxLineLength: Set the maximum line length. If not set, defaults to 0 which means no limit. (default: 0)
  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.dropMergeTags: Assume that any well formed merge using just a << token will be a merge, and drop the !!merge tag from the formatted result. (default: false)
  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.padLineComments: The number of padding spaces to insert before line comments. (default: 1)
  • kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x.includeDocumentStart: Include the document start marker (---) at the beginning of the document. (default: false)

It makes format yaml on save default to true, you can disable it:

"[yaml]": {
  "editor.formatOnSave": false

Default Language settings

"[yaml]": {
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "kiliantyler.kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x",
  "editor.formatOnSave": true
"[ansible]": {
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "kiliantyler.kubernetes-yaml-formatter-x",
  "editor.formatOnSave": true

Config Precidence

1. Workspace config
  a. .yamlfmt
  b. yamlfmt.yaml
  c. yamlfmt.yml
2. Global Config
  a. ${HOME}/.config/yamlfmt/.yamlfmt
  b. ${HOME}/.config/yamlfmt/yamlfmt.yaml
  c. ${HOME}/.config/yamlfmt/yamlfmt.yml
3. Extension configured settings

(1 & 2 will be flipped if useGlobalConfigOverWorkspace is enabled)


Thanks lupengpeng for the icon design.

Thanks to Longkai's Original Extension

Thanks the following projects: