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upgrade to latest dependencies (#880) #1150

upgrade to latest dependencies (#880)

upgrade to latest dependencies (#880) #1150

Triggered via push May 8, 2024 05:56
Status Success
Total duration 4m 37s
analyze  /  Analyze CodeQL
4m 0s
analyze / Analyze CodeQL
analyze  /  Check Unicode CC
analyze / Check Unicode CC
analyze  /  Go vulnerability Detection
analyze / Go vulnerability Detection
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5 errors and 2 warnings
analyze / Go vulnerability Detection
v1alpha1.addressableServices.Watch calls rest.Request.Watch, which eventually calls net.Dialer.DialContext
analyze / Go vulnerability Detection
webhook.main calls sharedmain.MainWithContext, which eventually calls net.Listen
analyze / Go vulnerability Detection
addressableservice.Reconciler.ReconcileKind calls network.GetServiceHostname, which eventually calls net.Resolver.LookupHost
analyze / Go vulnerability Detection
addressableservice.Reconciler.ReconcileKind calls network.GetServiceHostname, which eventually calls net.Resolver.LookupSRV
analyze / Go vulnerability Detection
addressableservice.Reconciler.ReconcileKind calls network.GetServiceHostname, which eventually calls net.Resolver.LookupTXT
analyze / Go vulnerability Detection
Restore cache failed: Dependencies file is not found in /home/runner/work/sample-controller/sample-controller. Supported file pattern: go.sum
analyze / Analyze CodeQL
Restore cache failed: Dependencies file is not found in /home/runner/work/sample-controller/sample-controller. Supported file pattern: go.sum