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Onboarding (MacOS)

1 Create gmail account

2 Install Docker Desktop

3 Get invited to AWS organization

4 Create IAM user

5 Make sure you have NodeJS installed locally with version 16. web/storybook requires version 16.

6 Set up AWS PROFILE export AWS_PROFILE=rental-storage

7 Get invited to Slack

8 Clone the repo

9 brew install terraform golangci-lint flake8 mockery bash jq

15 copy/paste ./.terraform.tfvars

16 make setup from root

Onboarding (Windows)

1 Create gmail account

2 Install Docker Desktop

3 Get invited to AWS organization

4 Create IAM user

5 Set up AWS PROFILE setx AWS_PROFILE rental-storage

6 Get invited to Slack

7 Clone the repo

8 choco install terraform golangci-lint flake8 serverless

9 Setting → Privacy & Security → For Developers → Turn on Developer Mode

10 Turn on Developer Mode Search “Windows Features” on the search tab

11 Enable WSL on Windows Open Turn windows feature on or off → Check Windows Subsystem for Linux → Click OK

12 Install Git Bash (This should be already installed when installing Git)

13 Install Ubuntu From Microsoft Store and setup Ubuntu (username, password)

14 I recommend to use Git Bash for the following commands

15 copy/paste ./.terraform.tfvars

16 make setup from root

Enable Git Hooks

1 You can enable python linting when committing your changes automatically by using the following command. make enable-precommit

You can disable the pre-commit hook by the following make disable-precommit


local use local state

dev/staging use s3 backend (github actions)