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Chrome 124

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@krausest krausest released this 10 May 19:09
· 109 commits to master since this release

I'm really happy to publish results for chrome 124. Actually I didn't believe in getting #1655 fixed, but thanks to @robbiespeed we found the cause.
If you want some details: Seems like window.gc() doesn't clean up all the dom nodes in every case for chrome 124 and somehow those frameworks gained some speed from that (ivi was one of those).
We're using Chrome for Testing from this release on such that we don't have the performance impact of security fixes.

Furthermore we optimized the vanillajs implementations and @syduki added a new vanillajs implementation.

Attached you find a binary build of all frameworks such that you can run the benchmark without installing and building all frameworks (see README for how to use the