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Krishna Gopinath's Website

build status Netlify Status

This is the source code for, built with Astro and tailwind.css, deployed to netlify.

There are some interesting things that I've done while building this website. I may have gone a little overboard, but it was fun.

Use of mdx

This website uses mdx files whenever possible. Since Astro has great mdx support, it'd be foolish to not take advantage of that. Here are some of the use cases where mdx is used:

  • The home page section is sourced from the src/content/about.mdx file.
  • There is a minimal blogging setup in this website, which uses mdx.
    • Posts are added to src/pages/posts/ as mdx files.
    • If the post is still in draft stage, draft: true is added to the metadata of the file.
    • Once it's moved out of draft, it is considered "published", at which point, it is listed in the posts page.

Resume builder using JSONResume

This website manages the resume page in an interesting way:

  • It is sourced from src/content/resume.json and is based on JSON Resume's schema.
  • A PDF version of this resume is automatically generated when we push to master through the Github action available in .github/workflows/main.yml. This file is then committed back to the repo and is accessible at files/resume.pdf.