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KSOC Guard Action

GitHub release (latest by date) FOSSA Status OpenSSF Best Practices

KSOC finds misconfigurations in your Kubernetes posture as part of your GitHub Actions CI workflow.

This action is used to execute a set of KSOC policies against the Kubernetes manifests in a given repository. There are two sources of policies that can be used:

  • Policies fetched from your KSOC account. This requires the ksoc_account_id, ksoc_access_key_id and ksoc_secret_key inputs to be provided.
  • Policies from the /policies directory embedded in this action. This requires the policy_dir input to be provided with /policies value.

Example Usage With Policies From KSOC Account

name: ksoc-guard

on: [ push ]

      contents: read
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: KSOC Guard
        uses: ksoclabs/guard-action@v0.0.10
          ksoc_account_id: <KSOC_ACCOUNT_ID>
          ksoc_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.KSOC_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          ksoc_secret_key: ${{ secrets.KSOC_SECRET_KEY }}

Example Usage With Policies From Repository

name: ksoc-guard

on: [ push ]

      contents: read
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: KSOC Guard
        uses: ksoclabs/guard-action@v0.0.10
          policy_dir: /policies

Optional Inputs

There are numerous optional inputs that can be used to configure the action:

  • fail_on_severity: The severity level that will cause the action to fail. If not provided, the action will never fail.
  • format: The format of the output, valid options are ci-table and sarif. If not provided, the default ci-table will be used.
  • ignored_paths: A comma separated list of paths to ignore. If not provided, no paths will be ignored.
  • ksoc_api_url: The URL of the KSOC API. If not provided, the default will be used.
  • paths: A comma separated list of paths to scan. If not provided, all paths in the repository will be scanned.
  • policy_ids: A comma separated list of policy IDs to execute. If not provided, all policies in the KSOC account will be executed.
  • policy_tags: A comma separated list of policy tags to execute. If not provided, all policies in the KSOC account will be executed.


KSOC Guard Action can store the results of the scan depending on the format input provided. If format is ci-table it will store outputs as multi-line string in the results output variable. This can be used to create a comment on the PR with the results of the scan. The following example shows how to do this (note that pull-resuests permission is required for this):

name: ksoc-guard

on: [ push ]

      contents: read
      pull-requests: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: KSOC Guard
        id: ksoc-guard
        uses: ksoclabs/guard-action@v0.0.10
          ksoc_account_id: <KSOC_ACCOUNT_ID>
          ksoc_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.KSOC_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          ksoc_secret_key: ${{ secrets.KSOC_SECRET_KEY }}
      - name: comment
        if: success() || failure()
        uses: actions/github-script@v6
          STATUS: ${{ steps.ksoc-guard.outcome == 'success' && 'success ✅' || 'failure ❌' }}
          script: |
            const output = `
              Policy Executor: ${{ env.STATUS }}

              ${{ steps.ksoc-guard.outputs.results }}
              issue_number: context.issue.number,
              owner: context.repo.owner,
              repo: context.repo.repo,
              body: output

Another option is to use the sarif format. This will store the results of the scan as a file and the sarif output variable will hold a path to that file. This can be used to upload the results of the scan as a GitHub Code Scanning Alert. The following example shows how to do this (note that security-events permission is required for this):

name: ksoc-guard

on: [ push ]

      contents: read
      security-events: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: KSOC Guard
        id: ksoc-guard
        uses: ksoclabs/guard-action@v0.0.10
          fail_on_severity: low
          format: sarif
          ksoc_account_id: <KSOC_ACCOUNT_ID>
          ksoc_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.KSOC_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          ksoc_secret_key: ${{ secrets.KSOC_SECRET_KEY }}
      - name: Upload KSOC Guard SARIF Report
        if: success() || failure()
        uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
          sarif_file: ${{ steps.ksoc-guard.outputs.sarif }}
          checkout_path: /github/workspace

Embedded Policies

The following policies are embedded in this action if used with the policy_dir input:

Policy ID Policy Title Severity
KSOC-K8S-CAP-SYSADMIN CAP_SYS_ADMIN Linux capability is in use in container(s) high
KSOC-K8S-ROLE-CLUSTERADMIN Ensure that the cluster-admin role is only used where required high
KSOC-K8S-DEFAULT-SERVICEACCOUNT Ensure that default service accounts are not actively used. medium
KSOC-K8S-NET-RAW NET_RAW capability detected in container(s) medium
KSOC-K8S-PRIV-ESC Container(s) allow privilege escalation medium
KSOC-K8S-SECURITYCONTEXT Container(s) running without defined securityContext medium
KSOC-K8S-SECURITYCONTEXT-POD Pod running without defined securityContext medium
KSOC-K8S-WILDCARD-APIGROUPS Minimize wildcard use in Roles and ClusterRoles:ApiGroups medium
KSOC-K8S-WILDCARD-RESOURCES Minimize wildcard use in Roles and ClusterRoles:Resources medium
KSOC-K8S-WILDCARD-VERBS Minimize wildcard use in Roles and ClusterRoles:Verbs medium
KSOC-K8S-HOST-IPC hostIPC flag set to true in container(s) low
KSOC-K8S-HOST-NETWORK hostNetwork flag set to true low
KSOC-K8S-HOST-PID Host PID flag set to true in container(s) low
KSOC-K8S-IMAGE-LATEST Container(s) image tag is set to latest low
KSOC-K8S-RUN-AS-HIGH-UID Container(s) not running with a high UID low


Guard Action is Apache 2.0 licensed and accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests. See the CONTRIBUTING file for details.