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Sample AES decryption with 48 AVC Closes: video-dev#3102
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Krystian Kuczek committed Oct 19, 2020
1 parent 489fbe3 commit 78b9bcd
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Showing 46 changed files with 79,096 additions and 9 deletions.
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions dist/config.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
* HLS config
import BufferController from './controller/buffer-controller';
import * as Cues from './utils/cues';
import EMEController from './controller/eme-controller';
import { MediaKeyFunc } from './utils/mediakeys-helper';
declare type ABRControllerConfig = {
abrEwmaFastLive: number;
abrEwmaSlowLive: number;
abrEwmaFastVoD: number;
abrEwmaSlowVoD: number;
abrEwmaDefaultEstimate: number;
abrBandWidthFactor: number;
abrBandWidthUpFactor: number;
abrMaxWithRealBitrate: boolean;
maxStarvationDelay: number;
maxLoadingDelay: number;
export declare type BufferControllerConfig = {
appendErrorMaxRetry: number;
liveDurationInfinity: boolean;
liveBackBufferLength: number;
declare type CapLevelControllerConfig = {
capLevelToPlayerSize: boolean;
export declare type DRMSystemOptions = {
audioRobustness?: string;
videoRobustness?: string;
export declare type EMEControllerConfig = {
licenseXhrSetup?: (xhr: XMLHttpRequest, url: string) => void;
emeEnabled: boolean;
widevineLicenseUrl?: string;
drmSystemOptions: DRMSystemOptions;
requestMediaKeySystemAccessFunc: MediaKeyFunc | null;
declare type FragmentLoaderConfig = {
fLoader: any;
fragLoadingTimeOut: number;
fragLoadingMaxRetry: number;
fragLoadingRetryDelay: number;
fragLoadingMaxRetryTimeout: number;
declare type FPSControllerConfig = {
capLevelOnFPSDrop: boolean;
fpsDroppedMonitoringPeriod: number;
fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold: number;
declare type LevelControllerConfig = {
startLevel?: number;
declare type MP4RemuxerConfig = {
stretchShortVideoTrack: boolean;
maxAudioFramesDrift: number;
declare type PlaylistLoaderConfig = {
pLoader: any;
manifestLoadingTimeOut: number;
manifestLoadingMaxRetry: number;
manifestLoadingRetryDelay: number;
manifestLoadingMaxRetryTimeout: number;
levelLoadingTimeOut: number;
levelLoadingMaxRetry: number;
levelLoadingRetryDelay: number;
levelLoadingMaxRetryTimeout: number;
declare type StreamControllerConfig = {
autoStartLoad: boolean;
startPosition: number;
defaultAudioCodec?: string;
initialLiveManifestSize: number;
maxBufferLength: number;
maxBufferSize: number;
maxBufferHole: number;
lowBufferWatchdogPeriod: number;
highBufferWatchdogPeriod: number;
nudgeOffset: number;
nudgeMaxRetry: number;
maxFragLookUpTolerance: number;
liveSyncDurationCount: number;
liveMaxLatencyDurationCount: number;
liveSyncDuration?: number;
liveMaxLatencyDuration?: number;
maxMaxBufferLength: number;
startFragPrefetch: boolean;
testBandwidth: boolean;
declare type TimelineControllerConfig = {
cueHandler: Cues.CuesInterface;
enableCEA708Captions: boolean;
enableWebVTT: boolean;
captionsTextTrack1Label: string;
captionsTextTrack1LanguageCode: string;
captionsTextTrack2Label: string;
captionsTextTrack2LanguageCode: string;
captionsTextTrack3Label: string;
captionsTextTrack3LanguageCode: string;
captionsTextTrack4Label: string;
captionsTextTrack4LanguageCode: string;
renderTextTracksNatively: boolean;
declare type TSDemuxerConfig = {
forceKeyFrameOnDiscontinuity: boolean;
export declare type HlsConfig = {
debug: boolean;
enableWorker: boolean;
enableSoftwareAES: boolean;
minAutoBitrate: number;
loader: any;
xhrSetup?: (xhr: XMLHttpRequest, url: string) => void;
audioStreamController?: any;
audioTrackController?: any;
subtitleStreamController?: any;
subtitleTrackController?: any;
timelineController?: any;
emeController?: typeof EMEController;
abrController: any;
bufferController: typeof BufferController;
capLevelController: any;
fpsController: any;
} & ABRControllerConfig & BufferControllerConfig & CapLevelControllerConfig & EMEControllerConfig & FPSControllerConfig & FragmentLoaderConfig & LevelControllerConfig & MP4RemuxerConfig & PlaylistLoaderConfig & StreamControllerConfig & TimelineControllerConfig & TSDemuxerConfig;
export declare const hlsDefaultConfig: HlsConfig;
export {};
105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions dist/controller/buffer-controller.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
import EventHandler from '../event-handler';
import { TrackSet } from '../types/track';
import { Segment } from '../types/segment';
declare type ExtendedSourceBuffer = SourceBuffer & {
ended?: boolean;
declare type SourceBufferName = 'video' | 'audio';
declare type SourceBuffers = Partial<Record<SourceBufferName, ExtendedSourceBuffer>>;
interface SourceBufferFlushRange {
start: number;
end: number;
type: SourceBufferName;
declare class BufferController extends EventHandler {
private _msDuration;
private _levelDuration;
private _levelTargetDuration;
private _live;
private _objectUrl;
private _needsFlush;
private _needsEos;
private config;
audioTimestampOffset?: number;
bufferCodecEventsExpected: number;
private _bufferCodecEventsTotal;
media: HTMLMediaElement | null;
mediaSource: MediaSource | null;
segments: Segment[];
parent?: string;
appending: boolean;
appended: number;
appendError: number;
flushBufferCounter: number;
tracks: TrackSet;
pendingTracks: TrackSet;
sourceBuffer: SourceBuffers;
flushRange: SourceBufferFlushRange[];
constructor(hls: any);
destroy(): void;
onLevelPtsUpdated(data: {
details: any;
type: SourceBufferName;
start: number;
}): void;
onManifestParsed(data: {
altAudio: boolean;
audio: boolean;
video: boolean;
}): void;
onMediaAttaching(data: {
media: HTMLMediaElement;
}): void;
onMediaDetaching(): void;
checkPendingTracks(): void;
private _onMediaSourceOpen;
private _onMediaSourceClose;
private _onMediaSourceEnded;
private _onSBUpdateEnd;
private _onSBUpdateError;
onBufferReset(): void;
onBufferCodecs(tracks: TrackSet): void;
createSourceBuffers(tracks: TrackSet): void;
onBufferAppending(data: Segment): void;
onBufferEos(data: {
type?: SourceBufferName;
}): void;
checkEos(): void;
onBufferFlushing(data: {
startOffset: number;
endOffset: number;
type?: SourceBufferName;
}): void;
flushLiveBackBuffer(): void;
onLevelUpdated({ details }: {
details: {
totalduration: number;
targetduration?: number;
averagetargetduration?: number;
live: boolean;
fragments: any[];
}): void;
* Update Media Source duration to current level duration or override to Infinity if configuration parameter
* 'liveDurationInfinity` is set to `true`
* More details:
updateMediaElementDuration(): void;
updateSeekableRange(levelDetails: any): void;
doFlush(): void;
doAppending(): void;
flushBuffer(startOffset: number, endOffset: number, sbType: SourceBufferName): boolean;
* Removes first buffered range from provided source buffer that lies within given start and end offsets.
* @param {string} type Type of the source buffer, logging purposes only.
* @param {SourceBuffer} sb Target SourceBuffer instance.
* @param {number} startOffset
* @param {number} endOffset
* @returns {boolean} True when source buffer remove requested.
removeBufferRange(type: string, sb: ExtendedSourceBuffer, startOffset: number, endOffset: number): boolean;
export default BufferController;
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions dist/controller/eme-controller.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
* @author Stephan Hesse <> | <>
* DRM support for Hls.js
import EventHandler from '../event-handler';
import { KeySystems, MediaKeyFunc } from '../utils/mediakeys-helper';
* Controller to deal with encrypted media extensions (EME)
* @see
* @class
* @constructor
declare class EMEController extends EventHandler {
private _widevineLicenseUrl?;
private _licenseXhrSetup?;
private _emeEnabled;
private _requestMediaKeySystemAccess;
private _drmSystemOptions;
private _config;
private _mediaKeysList;
private _media;
private _hasSetMediaKeys;
private _requestLicenseFailureCount;
private mediaKeysPromise;
* @constructs
* @param {Hls} hls Our Hls.js instance
constructor(hls: any);
* @param {string} keySystem Identifier for the key-system, see `KeySystems` enum
* @returns {string} License server URL for key-system (if any configured, otherwise causes error)
* @throws if a unsupported keysystem is passed
getLicenseServerUrl(keySystem: KeySystems): string;
* Requests access object and adds it to our list upon success
* @private
* @param {string} keySystem System ID (see `KeySystems`)
* @param {Array<string>} audioCodecs List of required audio codecs to support
* @param {Array<string>} videoCodecs List of required video codecs to support
* @throws When a unsupported KeySystem is passed
private _attemptKeySystemAccess;
get requestMediaKeySystemAccess(): MediaKeyFunc;
* Handles obtaining access to a key-system
* @private
* @param {string} keySystem
* @param {MediaKeySystemAccess} mediaKeySystemAccess
private _onMediaKeySystemAccessObtained;
* Handles key-creation (represents access to CDM). We are going to create key-sessions upon this
* for all existing keys where no session exists yet.
* @private
private _onMediaKeysCreated;
* @private
* @param {*} keySession
private _onNewMediaKeySession;
* @private
* @param {MediaKeySession} keySession
* @param {ArrayBuffer} message
private _onKeySessionMessage;
* @private
* @param e {MediaEncryptedEvent}
private _onMediaEncrypted;
* @private
private _attemptSetMediaKeys;
* @private
private _generateRequestWithPreferredKeySession;
* @private
* @param {string} url License server URL
* @param {ArrayBuffer} keyMessage Message data issued by key-system
* @param {function} callback Called when XHR has succeeded
* @returns {XMLHttpRequest} Unsent (but opened state) XHR object
* @throws if XMLHttpRequest construction failed
private _createLicenseXhr;
* @private
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {string} url License server URL
* @param {ArrayBuffer} keyMessage Message data issued by key-system
* @param {function} callback Called when XHR has succeeded
private _onLicenseRequestReadyStageChange;
* @private
* @param {MediaKeysListItem} keysListItem
* @param {ArrayBuffer} keyMessage
* @returns {ArrayBuffer} Challenge data posted to license server
* @throws if KeySystem is unsupported
private _generateLicenseRequestChallenge;
* @private
* @param keyMessage
* @param callback
private _requestLicense;
onMediaAttached(data: {
media: HTMLMediaElement;
}): void;
onMediaDetached(): void;
onManifestParsed(data: any): void;
export default EMEController;
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions dist/controller/fragment-finders.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import Fragment from '../loader/fragment';
* Returns first fragment whose endPdt value exceeds the given PDT.
* @param {Array<Fragment>} fragments - The array of candidate fragments
* @param {number|null} [PDTValue = null] - The PDT value which must be exceeded
* @param {number} [maxFragLookUpTolerance = 0] - The amount of time that a fragment's start/end can be within in order to be considered contiguous
* @returns {*|null} fragment - The best matching fragment
export declare function findFragmentByPDT(fragments: Array<Fragment>, PDTValue: number | null, maxFragLookUpTolerance: number): Fragment | null;
* Finds a fragment based on the SN of the previous fragment; or based on the needs of the current buffer.
* This method compensates for small buffer gaps by applying a tolerance to the start of any candidate fragment, thus
* breaking any traps which would cause the same fragment to be continuously selected within a small range.
* @param {*} fragPrevious - The last frag successfully appended
* @param {Array<Fragment>} fragments - The array of candidate fragments
* @param {number} [bufferEnd = 0] - The end of the contiguous buffered range the playhead is currently within
* @param {number} maxFragLookUpTolerance - The amount of time that a fragment's start/end can be within in order to be considered contiguous
* @returns {*} foundFrag - The best matching fragment
export declare function findFragmentByPTS(fragPrevious: Fragment, fragments: Array<Fragment>, bufferEnd?: number, maxFragLookUpTolerance?: number): Fragment | null;
* The test function used by the findFragmentBySn's BinarySearch to look for the best match to the current buffer conditions.
* @param {*} candidate - The fragment to test
* @param {number} [bufferEnd = 0] - The end of the current buffered range the playhead is currently within
* @param {number} [maxFragLookUpTolerance = 0] - The amount of time that a fragment's start can be within in order to be considered contiguous
* @returns {number} - 0 if it matches, 1 if too low, -1 if too high
export declare function fragmentWithinToleranceTest(bufferEnd: number | undefined, maxFragLookUpTolerance: number | undefined, candidate: Fragment): 1 | 0 | -1;
* The test function used by the findFragmentByPdt's BinarySearch to look for the best match to the current buffer conditions.
* This function tests the candidate's program date time values, as represented in Unix time
* @param {*} candidate - The fragment to test
* @param {number} [pdtBufferEnd = 0] - The Unix time representing the end of the current buffered range
* @param {number} [maxFragLookUpTolerance = 0] - The amount of time that a fragment's start can be within in order to be considered contiguous
* @returns {boolean} True if contiguous, false otherwise
export declare function pdtWithinToleranceTest(pdtBufferEnd: number, maxFragLookUpTolerance: number, candidate: Fragment): boolean;

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