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Simple alerting application. It was inspired by elastalert and Jenkins pipelines. The goal is to provide users with more sophisticated rule system.

Why l3rt?

  • Zero-dependency. No additional database required.
  • Infrastructure-as-code friendly. Manage your rules as regular files
  • Infinite flexibility in rule configuration
  • Built-in web UI playground

Request a feature

Feature Requests

Currently, l3rt supports the following sources as an input:

Supported outputs:

Supported rules:

  • ElasticSearch: queryString rule - returns messages matched by a query string
  • ElasticSearch: query rule - free-form rule that is fully managed by ElasticSearch's search query
  • ElasticSearch: count rule - returns number of events occurred for the given period of time (or multiple periods)
  • Missing yours? Add a feature request or submit a pull request


You can use a web UI to create and debug your rules. Just start L3rt and go to http://localhost:8080/


How to use

Create a config file where you need to specify common configuration for all your rules:

  "sources": [
    {"url": "elasticSearch:http://localhost:9200"}
  "targetSettings": {
    "mailServer": {
      "host": "",
      "port": "465",
      "auth":  true,
      "username": "",
      "password": "password"

You can find more info about config here.

Create your rule. All rules are groovy based DSLs, so you can use all power of groovy in your rules.


rule {
    ruleName = "myTestRule"
    params = [
            index: "logstash-*",
            queryString: "message:Error"

    reaction { messages ->
        messages.each {
            if ("Critical")) {
                email("", "Error",
                hipchat("Room with logs",, "RED", true)
            } else {
                hipchat("Room with logs",, "YELLOW", true)

Build & Launch

Development mode

You need:

  • Java >=8
  • Node ~v8.*.*
  • Npm
  1. Launch lert.Application as a plain java application with optional parameters:
  • -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback-dev.xml - dev logger config
  • -Dconfig.file=~/l3rt/conf.json - specifies the config location
  • -Drules=~/l3rt/rules/ - specifies a folder with rules if this parameter hasn't been defined in the config
  1. Launch client side


  1. Build ./gradlew application:jar

  2. Run java -Dconfig.file=/l3rt/config/config.json -Drules=/l3rt/rules/ -jar ./application/build/libs/l3rt-1.6.0.jar

NOTE: l3rt requires >= Java 8 and Docker

Via Docker

Create your config file ~/conf.json on your local machine. Then start it as follows:

docker run -it -v ~/conf.json:/l3rt/config/config.json -p 8080:8080 dimafeng/l3rt:1.6.0

Optionally you can specify location of your rules -v ~/rules:/l3rt/rules.

Go to http://localhost:8080 and play with L3rt!



This project is in heavy development stage so all contributions are appreciated.

Special thanks