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Pranav Baburaj edited this page Jun 24, 2021 · 1 revision



The polyglot.core.Polyglot is the main class of polyglot the polyglot module.

from polyglot.core import Polyglot

Initialize a polyglot instance

polyglot = Polyglot("path/to/directory", ignore="example.polyglot")

Polyglot takes in to parameters, the path to the directory and the ingore file

  • directory_name(required) - string The path of the directory
  • ignore - The ignore filename
    The ignore file should have a .polyglot file extension and has a syntax similar to a .gitignore file.
    • .<extension> for file extensions
    • <folder>/ for folders
    • <filename> for files
# for a specific file extension

# for a specific folder

# for a specific file

# for specific folders in the directory

and use the file with the polyglot object

poly = Polyglot(".", "example.polyglot")

Getting information from the polyglot object"language.yml", display=True)

The show method takes in two parameters, the language detection file as well as the disply option

  • language_detection_file(optional) - string The yaml file containing information about all the languages. By default, the language_detection_file is set to None. and the file is downloaded from the internet.
  • display(optional) - bool Whether to output the table on the console or not. The show method returns a dict containing information about the files.


The polyglot.core.tree module helps us to generate a tree of the current directory

from polyglot.core.tree import Tree

tree = Tree("path/to/directory").generate()
├── colors.ts
├── gists
│   ├── gist.ts
│   └── new.ts
├── interface.ts
├── json
│   └── colors.json
├── repos.ts
└── user
    └── user.ts


The polyglot.arguments.Arguments helps you parse a set of arguments and execute functions accordingly.

from polyglot.arugments import Arguments

passing in arguments

args = Arguments(arguments=[], return_value=False)
  • arguments(optional) - list The set of arguments. By default, the arguments in set to sys.argv[1:].
  • return_value(optional) - bool Whether to return anything or not


The polyglot.core.project.Project is used to generate folders and files.

To create a Project object

from polyglot.core.project import Project, ProjectFiles

# `.` for the current directory
project = Project("project-name", ProjectFiles(
  files=["file1", "dir1/file1"],
  folders=["dir2", "some-unknown-folder"]

To generate the directories


The create function takes in the clean parameter which determines whether to clean the project directory if it already exists. The default value is set to False



The polyglot.ext.env.Env helps to load variables defined in a .env into the process environment variables

from polyglot.ext.env import Env
env = Env()

directory or ls

The polyglot.ext.dir outputs something similar to an ls command in linux.

from polyglot.ext.dir import directory, ls

# or

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