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Package For Helping Document Local Variables In R


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R code is often first generated in a haphazard and exploratory way, particularly in a research environment. This package helps to automatically discover and/or document the structure of local variables in functions. This makes it easier to both understand old existing code or code you've been given, and document it in roxygen. It currently provides 4 main services, though all 4 of them are interrelated.

  • Functions inserted into other functions you want to document
    • doc_vars_in_this_func is the function that does most of the work. It finds all of the variables defined inside the function where it is called and then runs the R function "str" on each of them to show the structure of each variable.
    • doc_vars_in_this_func_once is a wrapper function that can be used in place of doc_vars_in_this_func when you want to make sure that doc_vars_in_this_func is only called one time for any given function, no matter how many times that function is called in a program. The intent here is to avoid lots of duplicate output because you generally only need one copy of the structures.
    • bump_global_ctr_for_cur_func is a support function for doc_vars_in_this_func_once, though it can be used on its own if you want to count the number of times a function is called during a run of a program. It simply creates a unique global counter for the function at run time if it doesn't already exist and then increments that counter each time the function is called.
  • Function run on output from functions above
    • generate_func_var_roxygen_comments is a function that reads the output generated by doc_vars_in_this_func and formats the information to write it back out in a form that can be pasted into the roxygen documentation at the start of a function.

There must be much more sophisticated ways to do what I've done, but this does seem to work...


You can install docaids from github with:

# install.packages ("devtools")  
devtools::install_github ("langfob/docaids")


Suppose that you are given some old, uncommented code with two cryptic functions, inner_func() and outer_func():

library (docaids)

inner_func <- function (a=3)
    b = a + 1
    ret_vals <- list (a=a, b=b)
    return (ret_vals)

outer_func <- function (num_times=2)
    n = 1
    x = list (k="blah", j=123, m=list(e=c(10,20,30),f=77))
    for (iii in 1:num_times)
        rv = inner_func (n)
        n               = rv$b
        cat ("\nn = ", n)
    cat ("\n")

If you just want to know the structures of all the variables, then you can add a call to doc_vars_in_this_func at the end of each function. It doesn't actually matter where you put the call in the function, but putting it at the end means that any variable that might be created along the way will have been created and loaded by that last line so nothing will be missed.

library (docaids)

inner_func <- function (a=3)
    b = a + 1
    ret_vals <- list (a=a, b=b)
    return (ret_vals)

outer_func <- function (num_times=2)
    n = 1
    x = list (k="blah", j=123, m=list(e=c(10,20,30),f=77))
    for (iii in 1:num_times)
        rv = inner_func (n)
        n               = rv$b
        cat ("\nn = ", n)
    cat ("\n")
#> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  START doc_vars_in_this_func  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#> inner_func(n)
#> a :  num 1
#> b :  num 2
#> ret_vals : List of 2
#>  $ a: num 1
#>  $ b: num 2
#> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  END doc_vars_in_this_func  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#> n =  2
#> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  START doc_vars_in_this_func  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#> inner_func(n)
#> a :  num 2
#> b :  num 3
#> ret_vals : List of 2
#>  $ a: num 2
#>  $ b: num 3
#> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  END doc_vars_in_this_func  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#> n =  3
#> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  START doc_vars_in_this_func  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#> outer_func()
#> iii :  int 2
#> n :  num 3
#> num_times :  num 2
#> rv : List of 2
#>  $ a: num 2
#>  $ b: num 3
#> x : List of 3
#>  $ k: chr "blah"
#>  $ j: num 123
#>  $ m:List of 2
#> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  END doc_vars_in_this_func  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

In the output, you can see that the str() calls for variables in inner_func() are repeated since outer_func() calls it multiple times. This is not a big problem for something that's only called a couple of times, but if a function is called many times, it can clutter the output with many repeats of identical information. Consequently, there is a second form of the call that makes sure to only write the output for a given function a specific number of times (with the default being to write it just once). That function is doc_vars_in_this_func_once(). Modifying the code again to use that function instead of doc_vars_in_this_func(), we get the following:

library (docaids)

inner_func <- function (a=3)
    b = a + 1
    ret_vals <- list (a=a, b=b)
    return (ret_vals)

outer_func <- function (num_times=2)
    n = 1
    x = list (k="blah", j=123, m=list(e=c(10,20,30),f=77))
    for (iii in 1:num_times)
        rv = inner_func (n)
        n               = rv$b
        cat ("\nn = ", n)
    cat ("\n")
#> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  START doc_vars_in_this_func  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#> inner_func(n)
#> a :  num 1
#> b :  num 2
#> ret_vals : List of 2
#>  $ a: num 1
#>  $ b: num 2
#> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  END doc_vars_in_this_func  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#> n =  2
#> n =  3
#> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  START doc_vars_in_this_func  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#> outer_func()
#> iii :  int 2
#> n :  num 3
#> num_times :  num 2
#> rv : List of 2
#>  $ a: num 2
#>  $ b: num 3
#> x : List of 3
#>  $ k: chr "blah"
#>  $ j: num 123
#>  $ m:List of 2
#> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  END doc_vars_in_this_func  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

This time, each function's information occurs only one time. We can now use that information simply to understand the functions better or we can run a follow-on function that will read the output and reformat it as chunks of Roxygen comments that can be pasted into the documentation for the corresponding function if that is useful.

To run the follow-on code, we need to have redirected the output in a file or cut the output text from the console and pasted it into a file.

library (docaids)

inner_func <- function (a=3)
    b = a + 1
    ret_vals <- list (a=a, b=b)
    return (ret_vals)

outer_func <- function (num_times=2)
    n = 1
    x = list (k="blah", j=123, m=list(e=c(10,20,30),f=77))
    for (iii in 1:num_times)
        rv = inner_func (n)
        n               = rv$b
        cat ("\nn = ", n)
    cat ("\n")

    #  Open a file to echo console to and redirect output there.
doc_vars_outfile = "doc_vars_output.txt"
tempConsoleOutFile <- file (doc_vars_outfile, open="wt")
sink (tempConsoleOutFile, split=TRUE)

    #  Run the program of interest.

    #  Close the redirected output file.
sink ()
close (tempConsoleOutFile)

    #  Read the doc_vars_in_this_func_once() output and 
    #  write it back out formattted as roxygen comments, 
    #  ignoring all other text that was in the previous output.
rox_outfile = "roxygen_outfile.txt"
generate_func_var_roxygen_comments_from_file (doc_vars_outfile, rox_outfile)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  START doc_vars_in_this_func  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
a :  num 1
b :  num 2
ret_vals : List of 2
 $ a: num 1
 $ b: num 2
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  END doc_vars_in_this_func  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

n =  2
n =  3

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  START doc_vars_in_this_func  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
iii :  int 2
n :  num 3
num_times :  num 2
rv : List of 2
 $ a: num 2
 $ b: num 3
x : List of 3
 $ k: chr "blah"
 $ j: num 123
 $ m:List of 2
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  END doc_vars_in_this_func  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

#'@section Local Variable Structures and examples:
#'Here is the output of str() for each variable visible in the function.
#'Note that the particular counts and values given are just examples to show
#'what the data might look like.
#' \strong{FUNCTION:  inner_func}(n)
#' \subsection{a}{
#' \preformatted{
#' a :  num 1
#' }}
#' \subsection{b}{
#' \preformatted{
#' b :  num 2
#' }}
#' \subsection{ret_vals}{
#' \preformatted{
#' ret_vals : List of 2
#'  $ a: num 1
#'  $ b: num 2
#' }}

#'@section Local Variable Structures and examples:
#'Here is the output of str() for each variable visible in the function.
#'Note that the particular counts and values given are just examples to show
#'what the data might look like.
#' \strong{FUNCTION:  outer_func}()
#' \subsection{iii}{
#' \preformatted{
#' iii :  int 2
#' }}
#' \subsection{n}{
#' \preformatted{
#' n :  num 3
#' }}
#' \subsection{num_times}{
#' \preformatted{
#' num_times :  num 2
#' }}
#' \subsection{rv}{
#' \preformatted{
#' rv : List of 2
#'  $ a: num 2
#'  $ b: num 3
#' }}
#' \subsection{x}{
#' \preformatted{
#' x : List of 3
#'  $ k: chr "blah"
#'  $ j: num 123
#'  $ m:List of 2

Now the output has one large block of Roxygen comments for each of the two functions and these can be cut and pasted into the Roxygen documentation for those functions if so desired.

For example, you could insert some Roxygen comments in front of the definitions of and as follows, with the generated Roxygen comments pasted in from above:

#' The inner function that is looped over
#' The first paragraph of describing the inner function.
#' The second paragraph that describes all the details of the inner function.
#'#'@section Local Variable Structures and examples:
#'Here is the output of str() for each variable visible in the function.
#'Note that the particular counts and values given are just examples to show
#'what the data might look like.
#' \strong{FUNCTION:  inner_func}(n)
#' \subsection{a}{
#' \preformatted{
#' a :  num 1
#' }}
#' \subsection{b}{
#' \preformatted{
#' b :  num 2
#' }}
#' \subsection{ret_vals}{
#' \preformatted{
#' ret_vals : List of 2
#'  $ a: num 1
#'  $ b: num 2
#' }}
#' @param a some integer argument to \code{inner()}

inner_func <- function (a=3)
    b = a + 1
    ret_vals <- list (a=a, b=b)

    return (ret_vals)

#' The outer function that does the looping
#' The first paragraph of describing the outer function.
#' The second paragraph that describes all the details of the inner function.
#'@section Local Variable Structures and examples:
#'Here is the output of str() for each variable visible in the function.
#'Note that the particular counts and values given are just examples to show
#'what the data might look like.
#' \subsection{iii}{
#' \preformatted{
#' iii :  int 2
#' }}
#' \subsection{n}{
#' \preformatted{
#' n :  num 3
#' }}
#' \subsection{num_times}{
#' \preformatted{
#' num_times :  num 2
#' }}
#' \subsection{rv}{
#' \preformatted{
#' rv : List of 2
#'  $ a: num 2
#'  $ b: num 3
#' }}
#' \subsection{x}{
#' \preformatted{
#' x : List of 3
#'  $ k: chr "blah"
#'  $ j: num 123
#'  $ m:List of 2
#' @param num_times integer number of times to loop over \code{inner()}

outer_func <- function (num_times=2)
    n = 1
    x = list (k="blah", j=123, m=list(e=c(10,20,30),f=77))

    for (iii in 1:num_times)
        rv = inner_func (n)
        n               = rv$b
        cat ("\nn = ", n)

    cat ("\n")

After the Roxygen is run over the code (e.g., by choosing the "Document" option in RStudio's Build menu), a help page will exist for both of the functions. Note that I have removed the line:

#' \strong{FUNCTION:  outer_func}()

from the outer_func pasted comments but left the corresponding line in place for inner_func. They're originally generated so that you can tell what function the comments apply to, but are generally best removed for the pasting. I've only left the FUNCTION comment in the inner_func to show what happens when it's left in.

Here is a rough approximation to the help pages that result for inner_func. It's not possible to render it (in the markdown used to generate this README file) in exactly the same way that R renders them. Note that as well as different fonts and font sizes, I've had to substitute dashes in place of spaces for better display where markdown collapses all white space down to a single space.

inner_func {docaids} -------------------------------------- R Documentation

The inner function that is looped over


The first paragraph of describing the inner function.


inner_func(a = 3)


a some integer argument to inner()


The second paragraph that describes all the details of the inner function.

Local Variable Structures and examples

Here is the output of str() for each variable visible in the function. Note that the particular counts and values given are just examples to show what the data might look like.

FUNCTION: inner_func(n) <<---------- This is the line that should be removed


a : num 1


b : num 2


ret_vals : List of 2  
 $ a: num 1
 $ b: num 2

Possible problem and a fix for it

If you're running generate_func_var_roxygen_comments_from_file() and something crashes for some reason, it can leave the global counter variables still sitting in the global environment. That in turn, can cause no output to be written if using doc_vars_in_this_func_once because all the counters will already have passed 1 and therefore tell the function not to write any output. If this happens for all the functions and you're re-running the code a) without having removed all those global variables and b) having no blocks of str() output, then you can get a bizarre message. When this happened to me, I was able to get rid of that message by removing the global counters and then re-running. So, if you're getting a weird message, one thing to try is to get rid of the global counter variables, e.g., by calling remove_global_ctrs_if_desired().


Package For Helping Document Local Variables In R








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