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  \____//____//_/ /_/  |_/_/ |_| MMDVM Suite

MMDVM Suite for OpenWrt

This is a feed that let you run MMDVM softwares on OpenWrt

How to build packages

If you want to run it on your own openwrt v19.07.x linux

1. Setup feeds

cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf
echo "src-git mmdvm" >> feeds.conf

./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a -pmmdvm

Select MMDVM packages with make menuconfig, and SAVE.

2. Build

make package/{mmdvm,mmdvm-host,p25-clients,ysf-clients,nxdn-clients,mmdvm-luci,dapnet-gateway}/{clean,compile} V=s

Build with OSTAR

Follow the intro at


This software is licenced under the GPL v2 and is primarily intended for amateur and educational use.

Disclaimer: This software was written as a personal hobby and I am not responsible for products that use this software. Contributions from anyone are welcome.


73, Michael BD7MQB