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Group coursework: Full stack productivity management system

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Team 10 Group Project

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Table of Contents

Part 1 (Prototype)

URL: (submitted)

or (updated)

How it works

Top-level PHP files acting as pages (using a custom .htaccess file to hide file extension)

Submitted version

  • A redirect is made in the form of a POST request to the new page, with the user's details as form parameters - redirect/index.ts
  • The user's email and role are stored in the attribute data-user of the html tag

Updated version

  • Store logged-in user's email in a cookie (1 hour expiry - can change)
  • Cookie is automatically sent to server whenever they change page
  • If the cookie is not detected, they will be redirected to the login page.


Page URL Owner Notes
/ Dara Can make / display home instead and if user isn't logged in, redirect to /login?
/home Michael/Lu
/projects Michael/Lu Displays a grid of assigned projects (only on updated version)
/projects?name= Michael/Lu Displays the kanban board for that project
/forum Ade
/dashboard David
/staff_assignment Faye
/profile Dara
/signup Dara Can merge signup and login?


  • jQuery 3.6.1
  • Bootstrap 5/5.2/4.1.0
    • Popper.js
  • Bootstrap Icons 1.9.1
  • Font-Awesome (only icons used?) 5.0.13

Part 2 (Next.JS)


Deploy to Vercel for development before using GCP?

Think we also misunderstood the dashboard:

"There should also be a manager’s dashboard so that the managers or team lead‐ ers can keep track of the progression of the project they are responsible for."

The dashboard is for each project, and is more akin to the project overview that we were doing

TODO (feedback from Part 1 presentation)

  • Forum
    • Redesign
    • Organised by topics
    • Should be more like Wikipedia
  • Projects
    • More detailed info about tasks (maybe display a modal containing task info when it is clicked on)
      • Deadline
      • Estimated time to take? (hours)
  • Dashboard
    • Progress display needs to be in terms of time not % of tasks completed
    • Searchbar to find project
    • Searchbar to find employee
    • Create project
      • Assign team leader
      • More info when adding project
        • How many hours for project etc.
  • Searchbar for projects in sidebar

TODO (not from feedback)

  • Project name editable (managers/team leaders only)
  • Delete project (managers/team leaders only with confirmation dialog)
  • Make page for creating a new project instead of using a modal
  • Decide what goes in manager dashboard sidebar
    • Same as every other page? (list of projects)

How it works (Overview)

  • Using NextAuth.js which creates a session (with a JWT storing the user's info)

Architecture (?)


  • Package Manager: pnpm
  • UI: React.Js
  • Component Library: MUI Material UI
  • Full stack framework (handles routing, SSR, etc.): Next.Js
  • Database: MySQL
  • Database ORM: Prisma
  • HTTP Client: axios
  • Containerisation: Docker
  • Deployment: GCP


We are using an experimental version of MUI's theming that supports CSS variables. Despite it being "experimental", it has a lot of benefits such as:

  • Prevents dark-mode SSR flickering
  • Color scheme is automatically synced between browser tabs

The MUI docs explains how using it is different to the standard use of MUI.


Using Docker Compose to run both the app and database together.

This Docker Compose file defines two services: db and app. The db service is based on the mysql:8.0 image and exposes port 3306. It also defines several environment variables that configure the database. The app service is built from the current directory and exposes port 3000. It also depends on the db service, which means that the db service will be started before the app service. Finally, the file defines a volume called db-data, which is used by the db service to store persistent data.

ChatGPT explaining

How we need to code

  • For pages, you can copy and paste from page_template
    • Already done for the pages available in navbar (home, forum, etc.)
    • For the pages already templated, you can do whatever you want with the actual component
  • Use API routes to update database (e.g. for things like adding task)
  • Use SSR to get info for page (e.g. getting a user's todo list)
    • See example for how to get user during SSR
    • Don't make API route for getting data that is gotten during SSR
  • Run locally and see all examples at http://localhost:3000/examples


Your page component needs to be of type AppPage, e.g.:

import type { AppPage } from '~/types';

const Page: AppPage = () => (

export default Page;

To use our defined layout (sidebar and nav in top), you need to add the property layout to the file's default export:

Prop Type Description
layout PageLayout Basically Layout's props
layout.sidebar Sidebar
layout.sidebar.type SidebarType
layout.sidebar.content ReactNode? (only needed if sidebarType === CUSTOM)

AppPage adds type hints for the above for you

  • Most pages will have a layout.sidebar.type of PROJECTS
    • e.g. main forum page should be CUSTOM
      • The different forum pages will probably have different sidebar content

If this is unclear, see examples:



There are two ways to know the user that is signed in:

  1. Reading the user prop passed to the page component by getServerSideProps (example)
  2. Reading state.user from the client-side store store/userStore (see next section) (example)

If on a page:

  • if anything about the user can change while on your page (e.g. changing name), use number 1.
  • else, prefer using number 2 but it's ntd

In a component:

  • use number 2 because it won't be able to access user from getServerSideProps without passing it as a prop from the page

Example of using useUserStore (number 2):

import useUserStore from '~/store/userStore';

export default function ExamplePage() {
  // this component will re-render whenever `name` changes
  const name = useUserStore((state) =>;

  return (
    <div>Your name is: {name}</div>

Client-side state management

We are using zustand in a way that is essentially dependency injection - we inject the user in _app.jsx. We do this so that we don't repeatedly set the user in each page: instead we just set the user in one place - in _app.jsx.

Code Style/Formatting

  • Prettier (formatting) has been set up because it's a waste of time debating code format
    • If using VSCode, install the Prettier plugin and you just have to save a file to run the formatter
    • See if not using VSCode
    • A git pre-commit hook has been set up to automatically format changed files using pretty-quick
  • ESLint (code style) has been set up
    • Make sure your editor/IDE has ESLint support enabled, e.g. VSCode has the ESLint extension
Absolute Imports

Always use absolute imports. It has been setup in the tsconfig to use a custom path ~ with /src as the baseUrl. E.g. to import the default export of /src/components/ExampleComponent.ts from anywhere, you would use

import ExampleComponent from '~/src/components/ExampleComponent';

E.g. to import /public/exampleImage.png:

import ExampleImage from '~/../public/exampleImage.png';
Import Order

Imports should be in the order (example):

  • External libraries
    • react (e.g. useState)
    • NextJs (e.g. GetServerSidePropsContext)
    • NextJs subpackages (e.g. Head from next/head)
    • Next-Auth (e.g. signIn from next-auth/next)
    • React Boostrap/UI library (e.g. IconButton from @mui/material/IconButton)
    • Any other external libraries (e.g. axios)
  • [space]
  • Our code e.g. from ~/types
  • [space]
  • Other
    • External CSS
    • Our CSS (e.g. [componentname].module.css)
    • Images
    • Anything else

Below isn't really necessary, but is nice, the grouping above is more important

In each of the above groups, imports should be in alphabetic order of the file they're being imported from or logically grouped:

  • e.g. next/head imports go before next/link
  • the meaning of "logically grouping" is very loose here, as long as the imports aren't a mess you're gucci


Use dynamic routes instead of URL params, with similar functionality to a REST API

Not sure about the forum pages that aren't yet templated

Will want a page/option to list posts made by a certain user. Maybe on a post, make the author's name clickable, and it'll take u to /forum/authors/[authorId]

Atm there's a link to /forum/authors in the forum sidebar

Page URL/Route Owner Status Completed Notes
/ Dara Complete
    Automatically redirects to /home if signed in.
    /home Michael Complete
      /projects Lu Complete
        Display all projects
        /projects/[id] Michael Complete
          A specific project, use components/Task and components/KanbanBoard
          /projects/[id]/overview Faye Complete
            Manager's overview of a project. Can assign project members, update project leader/title
            /projects/new Faye Complete
              Creating a new project (accessed from manager dashboard)
              /forum Ade Complete
                /forum/authors/ Sean Complete
                  List authors
                  /forum/authors/[id] Sean Complete
                    Display posts by a specific author
                    /dashboard David Complete
                      Projects progress
                      /staff David Complete
                        /profile Dara Complete
                          /signup Lu Complete

                            Dynamic Routes

                            Use hashids to mask IDs in URLs. Already done in:

                            • projects/[id]/*
                            • /forum/posts/[id]/*


                            We are using Prisma as an ORM, so we have type safety + don't have to write SQL. Prisma also has nice features such as auto-joins and implicit many-to-many relations.


                            All have unique IDs (autoincrement/uuid)

                            Name Type Default Relation Description
                            id String (UUID) uuid()
                            email String
                            hashedPassword String
                            name String
                            isAdmin Boolean false
                            leftCompany Boolean false
                            inviteToken String? The invite token they used to sign up.
                            avatarBg String #e2ba39
                            avatarFg String #ffffff
                            todoList - UserTask[] Implicit many-to-many relation.
                            isManager Boolean false
                            ledProjects - Project[] Implicit many-to-many relation. The projects where the user is a team leader.
                            assignedProjects - Project[] Implicit many-to-many relation. The projects where the user is a team member.
                            permittedTasks - ProjectTask[] Implicit many-to-many relation.
                            posts - Post Implicit many-to-many relation.
                            editedPostsHistory - PostHistory[] Implicit many-to-many relation.
                            upvotedPosts - Post Implicit many-to-many relation.
                            User Task
                            Name Type Default Relation Description
                            id Int autoincrement()
                            userId String (UUID) User
                            stage String
                            title String
                            description String
                            deadline DateTime
                            tags - UserTaskTag[] Implicit many-to-many relation.
                            • UserTaskTag is just { name: string }
                            Name Type Default Relation Description
                            id Int autoincrement()
                            name String
                            leaderId String (UUID) User
                            members - User[] Implicit many-to-many relation.
                            tasks - ProjectTask[]
                            Project Task
                            Name Type Default Relation Description
                            id Int autoincrement()
                            projectId Int Project
                            stage String
                            title String
                            description String
                            deadline DateTime
                            tags - ProjectTaskTag[] Implicit many-to-many relation.
                            assigneeId String (UUID) User
                            permitted - User[] Implicit many-to-many relation. The team member that are permitted to view this task.
                            • ProjectTaskTag is just { name: string }
                            Name Type Default Relation Description
                            id Int autoincrement()
                            authorId String (UUID) User
                            topics - PostTopic[] Implicit many-to-many relation.
                            upvoters - User[] Implicit many-to-many relation.
                            history - PostHistory[]
                            • PostTopic is just { name: string }

                            Many-to-many relationship table representing User (editor) <-> Post, with additional properties.

                            Name Type Default Relation Description
                            id Int autoincrement()
                            postId Int Post
                            editorId String User
                            date DateTime now()
                            title String
                            summary String
                            content String

                            TODO: ERM diagram?

                            User passwords

                            • Store a hash of each user's password in database
                              • User's raw password is not stored in database ✔️
                            • Hash their passwords using bcrypt ( Article - Library - Wikipedia )

                            Should we implement functionality to reset password?

                            But how would it work?

                            A possible impl.:

                            • manager gets a link to give to employee (with like a token specifying the employee)
                            • employee opens that link and resets their password


                            • manager could reset the password of any employee they want (could abuse it)
                              • we should ask client about this?

                            Using in development

                            When running for the first time, run the following commands (in prototype_nextjs):

                            npm run migrate:dev

                            This will create a local SQLite database (prototype_nextjs/prisma/dev.db), apply our schema to it and populate it with data from the seed.


                            Name Minor Version Purpose
                            TypeScript 4.9 Programming language
                            ESLint 8.31 Static code analysis
                            Typescript ESLint 5.48 ESLint Typescript support
                            Prettier 2.8 Code formatting (#56)
                            husky 8.0 Git hooks
                            pretty-quick 3.1 Run prettier on changed files as part of pre-commit Git hook
                            React 18.2 UI library
                            Next.Js 13.1 Full stack framework
                            NextAuth.js 4.17 Authentication
                            sharp 0.31 Next.Js Image Optimization (not used explicitly by us)
                            next-superjson-plugin 0.5 SuperJSON plugin for Next.Js pages, so we dont have to manually serialie & deserialize dates
                            MUI Material UI 5.11 Component Library (#40)
                            MUI Material UI Lab 5.0 MUI Components not yet added to core (e.g. LoadingButton)
                            MUI Material Icons 5.11 MUI Icons
                            Emotion 11.10 Styling engine for MUI, and styled components
                            Roboto 4.5 MUI default font
                            react-hot-toast 2.4 Toasts
                            Axios 1.2 HTTP client (use instead of the fetch API)
                            zustand 4.2 State management
                            Prisma 4.8 Database ORM (#12)
                            ts-node 10.9 Run code to seed Prisma database
                            node.bcrypt.js 5.1 Hashing user passwords
                            Zod 3.20 Object schema validation (#1)
                            Formik 2.2 Form validation (#1)
                            formik-validator-zod 1.0 Zod adapter for Formik (Formik uses Yup)
                            SWR 4.18 Client-side data fetching
                            hashids 2.2 Mask IDs in URLs (#16)
                            jsonwebtoken 9.0 Generate invite tokens (#19)
                            dotenv 16.0 Load development environment variables during database seeding
                            lodash 4.17 Utility library
                            lorem-ipsum 2.0 Generating placeholder text (for seeding)
                            usehooks-ts 2.9 Utility React hooks
                            type-fest 3.5 Utility TypeScript types
                            clsx 1.2 Utility library for constructing classnames
                            remarkable 2.0 Rendering markdown content


                            Group coursework: Full stack productivity management system






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