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Base NestJs Application with JWT Authentication

This is a base NestJs application with a fully configured development environment. A mongodb database connection has been setup, and the compose.yaml file provides a mongodb database configured for developing the application.

Configuring the application

The application is configured using a .env file. An example file: .env.example is provided, and contains all the necessary environment variables that the application needs.

You can just copy the .env.example file, and change any environment variable as needed.

cp .env.example .env

Configuration registration

To add new configuration values to the application, the following need be done in order:

  1. Add the relevant environment variables & values to the .env file.
  2. Create a new <module-name>.config.ts file to validate the new environment variable values pulled from the .env file.
  3. Register the default export of the <module-name>.config.ts file in the module via ConfigModule::forFeature.
  4. Add the relevant namespace & configuration type to the NamespacedConfigurationType in the ConfigurationService (which - in turn - is in ConfigurationModule).

Test configuration

The test configuration is expected to be in a .env.test file. You create a new .env.test file by copying the .env.example file, and changing any environment variable as needed.

cp .env.example .env.test

Note: When running tests, the environment variables from .env.test should be used to configure the docker containers if the environment variables for the containers differ between the environment files. As a consequence when testing the application, the containers need to be started using:

docker compose up --env-file .env.test

Running the application

The following are instructions to start the application locally - for development purposes.

  1. Start the application dependencies' containers.
docker compose up
  1. Start the application
yarn run start:dev


The scripts related to the application are stored in: cli/script, and are also present in the scripts section the main package.json file.

The following scripts are available:

Script package.json script Description
seed.script.ts db:seed Seeds the database
generate-keys.script.ts key:generate Generate environment secrets

Model factories & Database seeds

The model factory & database seed follows the same convention as Laravel. The model factories are stored in the src/_application/_database/_factory module, and the database seeders are stored in the src/_application/_database/_seeder module.

Module configuration

Environment variables are sourced into the application through module configurations. The module configurations are - in turn - validated against a schema defined by the developer. Configuration files typically live in the modules that "own" them. For an example of a module configuration, see src/_application/application.config.ts.

JWT authentication

A sample JWT authentication system has been setup in the application. It uses JWT tokens embedded in headers to authenticate requests to the application. See the src/_authentication module for more details.


The application has the following test suites:

Command Test type Description
yarn run test:unit Unit test Run unit tests for the application
yarn run test:cli:unit Unit test Run unit tests for the cli
yarn run test:e2e E2E test Run e2e tests for the application

Note: The application E2E tests are ordered/sequenced according to their filenames. They should therefore start with the number which describes their running order.

Development environment

The project uses yarn berry for package management; husky for git-hooks; lint-staged for linting staged files; eslint for code linting; and prettier for code prettifying.

A compose.yaml file is provided, and contains the application container dependencies' definitions.


Logging in the application is done using winston through the src/_application/_logger module.

Model factories & database seeding

Model factories should live in the module where their schemas are found. They should however be registered in the factory module - located at: src/_application/_database/_factory.

General conventions

  • Any application-related feature definition or module should be defined in the src/_application module.
  • Module names start with an underscore (e.g.: _authentication).
  • Time related environment variables should conform to, and be parsed with ms.
  • Application E2E test files should start with a number.


The project has the following branches:

  • main: The stable branch.
  • development: The branch where development occurs.
  • (wip)feat/user-with-email: In this branch, the User model has an email field instead of a username field.
  • (next) feat/administration: An administration section for the application - with authN, (authZ?), ...


An opinionated NestJs starter application.






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