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This will eventually be the source code for At the moment, it's just a web application you can run on localhost.

learnyou is written in the Haskell programming language, with the Yesod web stack.

The code is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License.

I don't know what any of that means. Educate me.

If you are an experienced coder, and want the tl;dr, see the Contributing section.

If you aren't an experienced coder, that's fine. If you're looking to contribute to any old open-source project, LYSA (the subject of the website for which this is the source code) might be a better choice. The required background knowledge to contribute to LYSA is fairly minimal compared to this project.

Nonetheless, if you really want to contribute to this project:

  1. You should read bitemyapp's guide to learning the Haskell programming language.
  2. Read the Yesod book for learning Yesod.
  3. Read the Git book for learning how to use git.
  4. Read the Contributing section of this document for contributing to this project.


Contributions are welcome.

  • If you notice a bug, or have a question, you can

  • If you want to make a change to the code, you are welcome to. To get your changes merged, you can

    • use GitHub's pull-request system.
    • open an issue/email me with a pull URL, and a small summary of the changes you made.

At the moment, to test the site, you have to download and compile it yourself. To do that, you need

  1. git
  2. stack

To download, and install:

git clone
cd learnyou
stack setup
stack build -j 5

To run:

stack exec -- yesod devel

To view, open up http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.


  • Email:
  • IRC: pharpend on FreeNode and OFTC
  • IRC channel for this project: #lysa on FreeNode