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Chris Travers edited this page Jul 4, 2017 · 1 revision

The web service is solely responsible for retrieving, and adding new tax configurations.

URL Layout

POST BASE_URL/tax/1.0/account/new

First tax for collected account. If account already has an open period, tax, return a 400 error.

GET BASE_URL/tax/1.0/account/

Return all tax collected accounts with tax rates, plus a listing of those which do not yet but have a tax associated

GET BASE_URL/tax/1.0/account/:number

Return all tax periods for the tax number. 404 if none found.

PUT BASE_URL/tax/1.0/account/:number/next

Post the next tax period. Tax context must be set for Tax Collected on the account.

DELETE BASE_URL/tax/1.0/account/:number/:date

Closes out the tax, on a date specified. 400 returned if not in the latest period.

DELETE BASE_URL/tax/1.0/account/:number/:start-date?no-close=1

Deletes the tax rate starting on that date, without closing. Can be used to delete earlier periods.