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This plugin is for custom module system to implement Hot Module Replacement(HMR) in some bundlers that don't support it.


New APIs working in progress..


  • 🌍 Register ESM and CJS to global module registry.
  • πŸƒ Runtime mode
    • Enabled: Transform to global module registry's import and require statements.
    • Disabled: Keep original import, require statements and register module to global module registry.

How it works?

For more details, go to


npm install swc-plugin-global-module
# or yarn
yarn add swc-plugin-global-module


Inject runtime script to top of bundle for using Global module APIs.

import 'swc-plugin-global-module/runtime';

// Now you can use global module API (global.__modules)

and add plugin to your swc options.

import { transform } from '@swc/core';

await transform(code, {
  jsc: {
    experimental: {
      plugins: [
        // Add plugin here.
        ['swc-plugin-global-module', {
           * Module id.
           * Defaults to filename.
          moduleId: 'id',
           * Convert import statements to custom module system and remove export statements.
           * Defaults to `false`.
          runtimeModule: true,
           * External import source pattern to register to external registry.
          externalPattern: '^(react|react-native)',
           * Actual module ids.
           * Defaults to none.
          moduleIds: {
            "<import source>": "actual module id",
            // eg. react
            "react": "react-module-id",
     * You should disable external helpers when `runtimeModule` is `true`
     * because external helper import statements will be added after plugin transformation.
    externalHelpers: false,


const pluginOptions = {
  moduleId: (123).toString(),
  runtimeModule: true,
  externalPattern: '^(@app/secret)',
  moduleIds: {
    react: '12345',


// ESM
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Container } from '@app/components';
import { useCustomHook } from '@app/hooks';
import { SECRET_KEY } from '@app/secret';
import * as app from '@app/core';

// named export & declaration
export function MyComponent(): JSX.Element {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  return <Container>{count}</Container>;

// named export with alias
export { app as AppCore };

// default export & anonymous declaration
export default class {}

// re-exports
export * from '@app/module_a';
export * from '@app/module_b';
export * as car from '@app/module_c';
export { driver as driverModule } from '@app/module_d';
// CommonJS
const core = require('@app/core');
const utils = global.requireWrapper(require('@app/utils'));

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  module.exports = class ProductionClass extends core.Core {};
} else {
  module.exports = class DevelopmentClass extends core.Core {};

exports.getReact = () => {
  return require('react');


// ESM
const __app_components = global.__modules.import("@app/components");
const __app_core = global.__modules.import("@app/core");
const __app_hooks = global.__modules.import("@app/hooks");
const __app_module_a = global.__modules.import("@app/module_a");
const __app_module_b = global.__modules.import("@app/module_b");
const __app_module_c = global.__modules.import("@app/module_c");
const __app_module_d = global.__modules.import("@app/module_d");

 * `@app/secret` is registered to external registry due to `externalPattern` option.
 * `@app/secret` is registered in non-runtime mode like this,
 * ```js
 * import * as __external from '@app/secret';
 * global.__modules.external('@app/secret', __external);
 * ```
const __app_secret = global.__modules.external("@app/secret");

 * `react` replaced due to `moduleIds` option.
const _react = global.__modules.import("12345");
const React = _react.default;
const useState = _react.useState;
const Container = __app_components.Container;
const useCustomHook = __app_hooks.useCustomHook;
const SECRET_KEY = __app_secret.SECRET_KEY;
const app = global.__modules.helpers.asWildcard(__app_core);
const __re_export_all = global.__modules.helpers.asWildcard(__app_module_a);
const __re_export_all1 = global.__modules.helpers.asWildcard(__app_module_b);
const __re_export = global.__modules.helpers.asWildcard(__app_module_c);
const __re_export1 = __app_module_d.driver;
function MyComponent() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  return /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(Container, null, count);
class __Class {

// `moduleId`
global.__modules.esm("123", {
  AppCore: app,
  default: __Class,
  car: __re_export,
  driverModule: __re_export1
}, __re_export_all, __re_export_all1);
// CommonJS
const __cjs = global.__modules.cjs("123");
const core = global.__modules.require("@app/core");
const utils = global.requireWrapper(global.__modules.require("@app/utils"));
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  module.exports = __cjs.exports.default = class ProductionClass extends core.Core {
} else {
  module.exports = __cjs.exports.default = class DevelopmentClass extends core.Core {
exports.getReact = __cjs.exports.getReact = ()=>{
  return global.__modules.require("12345");

Use Cases

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