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UAV Logistics Environment for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning / Unity ML-Agents / Unity 3D


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UAV Logistics Environment for MLRL

This UAV Logistics Environment with a continuous observation and discrete action space, along with physical based UAVs and parcels which powered by Unity Engine. Used in Paper "Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Based on Fusion-Multiactor-Attention-Critic for Multiple-Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle Navigation Control"(MDPI Energies 2022, 15(19), 7426 (SCIE), 2022.10.10.) and "Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning-Based UAS Control for Logistics EnvironmentsMulti-agent Reinforcement Learning-Based UAS Control for Logistics Environments"(Springer LNEE, volume 913 (SCOPUS). 2022.09.30.)

πŸ“’ Upgrading Environment and Transitioning to Issac Sim

The Unity MLAgents, PyTorch, and CUDA versions in this LogisticsEnv are very old and incompatible with modern GPUs and OS, so I am in the process of upgrading dependencies and this environment. I am also in the process of transitioning to the Issac Sim environment.

πŸ“Œ LogisticsEnv Builds Release (1.0.0)

(2024. 3. 11.)

πŸ“Œ Trained Model


model_path = '~~/<trained_model_name>.pt'  # write model path
model = AttentionSAC.init_from_save(model_path) # load model data from saved file


My Environments

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / Python 3.8.10 / Anaconda 3.1 (Virtual Environment)
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 / Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F (@2.90GHz) / 32GB Memory (RAM)
  • CUDA 11.1 / CuDNN 8.1.1
  • torch 1.8.2+cu111 / torchaudio 0.8.2 / torchvision 0.9.2+cu111
  • It took 13.9 days to train MAAC model with 150K episodes.

Unity Editor

  • Unity Editor, version 2020.3.x (LTS) (minimum)
  • Unity ML-Agents Package Release 2.1.0 exp1 (Not compatible with other versions)

Getting Started

  • install requirements packages (in a virtual-env)
  • git clone
  • cd MAAC or cd MADDPG
  • edit parameters in (learning parameters)
  • Followed by your OS, select built environment file between Build_Windows or Build_Linux (give right path)
  • if your OS is Linux(Ubuntu), before training grant permission is essential, with sudo chmod a+xwr /Build_Linux/Logistics.x86_64
  • python to run training
  • To replay with your trained model, set path to the on and python to replay


  • MAAC/models/Logistics/MAAC/ or MADDPG/models/Logistics/MADDPG
  • tensorboard --logdir=runX
  • open localhost:6006

Parcel Counter

  • MAAC/CSV/countXXXX.csv : number of successfully shipped parcel is written in this csv file. (XXXX must be yyyyMMddHHmmss of training start time)
  • first row is number of small box, second is number of big box, third is sum of both.


  • MAAC/CSV/timerXXXX.csv : spent time to finish shipping given boxes. (finishing condigion follows max_smallbox and max_bigbox parameters)
  • if UAVs failed to ship all of given parcels, a time-written line will be not appended.
  • the line is milli-second. (1Kms is a second)


  • UAVs need to move parcels(boxes) from hubs to destinations.
  • There are two types of boxes - big boxes and small boxes. A big box can only be moved if two or more UAVs cooperate.
  • The size of map and the number of UAVs and obstacles can be customized for various environments.
  • When UAV touches the box, the box is connected. If UAV is farther than a certain distance from the box, the box will fall off.

Used Algorithm

Python API

Gym Functions

This Logistics Environment follows OpenAI Gym API design :

  • from UnityGymWrapper5 import GymEnv - import class (newest version is Wrapper5)
  • env = GymEnv(name="path to Unity Environment", ...) - Returns wrapped environment object.
  • obs = reset() - Resets environment to the initial state. Returns initial observation.
  • obs, reward, done, info = step(actions) - A single step. Require actions, returns observation, reward, done, information list.


from UnityGymWrapper5 import GymEnv # Unity Gym Style Wrapper
env = GymEnv(name="../Build_Linux/Logistics") # Call Logistics Environment
done, obs = False, env.reset() # reset Environment

while not done:
    actions = get_actions(obs) # get actions
    next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(actions) # next step
    obs = next_obs

Unity Gym Wrapper This Wrapper can wrap Unity ML-Agents Environment (API version 2.1.0 exp1, mlagents version 0.27.0) which has multiple Discrete-Action-Agent.

GymWrapper provided by Unity supports only single agent environment. is in Github Repository.

Parameter Configurations env = GymEnv(name='', width=0, height=0, ...)

  • width : Defines the width of the display. (Must be set alongside height)
  • height : Defines the height of the display. (Must be set alongside width)
  • timescale : Defines the multiplier for the deltatime in the simulation. If set to a higher value, time will pass faster in the simulation but the physics may perform unpredictably.
  • quality_level : Defines the quality level of the simulation.
  • target_frame_rate : Instructs simulation to try to render at a specified frame rate.
  • capture_frame_rate : Instructs the simulation to consider time between updates to always be constant, regardless of the actual frame rate.
  • name : path to Unity Built Environment (ex : ../Build_Linux/Logistics)
  • mapsize : size of map in virtual environment (x by x)
  • numbuilding : number of buildings (obstacle)
  • max_smallbox : max number of small box will be generated
  • max_bigbox : max number of big box will be generated


Observation size for each agent

29 + 7 x (nagent - 1) + (27 : ray-cast obs)

This UAV Information

  • 3 : (x, y, z) coordinates of this UAV
  • 3 : (x, y, z) velocity of this UAV
  • 3 : one hot encoding of box type (not holding, small box, big box)
  • 7 x (n - 1) : other UAVs information (3 - coordinates, 1 - distance, 3 - box type one-hot encoding)
  • 6 : (x, y, z, x, y, z) big box hub and small box hub coordinates
  • 2 : each distance from this to the big box hub and small box hub
  • 6 : (x, y, z, x, y, z) nearest big and small box coordinates (if there's no box nearby, zero)
  • 2 : each distance from this to the nearest big box and the nearest small box (if there's no box nearby, zero)
  • 4 : (x, y, z, d) if UAV holds any box, the coordinates and distances are given. if not, zero

Raycast Observation (from Unity ML-Agents)

  • 1 - distance (0 if nothing is detected)
  • 2 - one hot encoding of detected object (nothing, building)
  • (1 + 2) x 9 - rays per direction


UAV can move to 6 directions (up, down, forward, backward, left, right) or not move

The action is discrete action, and size of action set is 7.

  • index 0 : not move
  • index 1 : forward
  • index 2 : backward
  • index 3 : left
  • index 4 : right
  • index 5 : up
  • index 6 : down


Driving Reward

(pre distance - current distance) * 0.5

To make UAV learn driving forward destination, distance penalty is given per every step. If UAV holds any parcel, the distance is calculated with a destination where the parcel have to shipped. If UAV have to pick some parcel, distance between UAV and a big box or a small box, whichever is closer to UAV is calculated.

Shipping Reward

  • +20.0 : Pick up a small box
  • +20.0 : complete small box shipping
  • +10.0 : First UAV picks up a big box
  • +10.0 : First UAV which holds a big box when second UAV picks up
  • +20.0 : Second UAV picks up a big box
  • +30.0 : complete big box shipping
  • -8.0 : when the first UAV dropped a big box
  • -15.0 : when tow UAVs dropped a big box

These values are designed to make UAV work efficiently.

Collision Penalty

  • -10.0 : when UAV collide with another UAV or a building

UAV has to avoid buildings and another UAV with raycast observation.

Training Result

We trained model with random-decision model, reinforcement model (SAC, DQN, MADDPG) and MAAC (Multi-Attention-Actor-Critic for Multi-Agent) model. We trained 30k episode each model.


developed by Hoeun Lee (in DMS Lab in Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea)

Copyright Hoeun Lee, 2021, All Right Reserved.