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RBoelter edited this page Mar 22, 2022 · 23 revisions

This wiki is intended to give you more information about the DataWiz codebase. All critical inventions made between january 2020 and december 2021 will be gathered here. The purpose of everything you read here, is to guide your understanding of why the code looks a certain way. It is a more explizit way of retaining the thinking behind everything this repository contains. Scroll down to find our most frequently asked questions. Of course, no documentation is perfect and there will be outdated information here at some point in time. If you find any mistakes, please open an issue.

Authors DataWiz 2


  • Ronny Bölter
  • Michael Cremer
  • Florian Grässle

Domain knowledge

  • Katarina Blask
  • Michael Bosnjak
  • Erich Weichselgartner

Authors DataWiz 1


  • Ronny Bölter

Domain knowledge

  • Ina Dehnhardt
  • Martin Kerwer
  • Erich Weichselgartner


Why does 'npm' freeze when using 'make install'?

If you use npm in version 7.0.1 you end up with a frozen installation. This problem is solved in recent npm versions.

I got an audit alert from 'npm audit', what should I do?

Please open an issue or submit a pull request, if you are able to solve the issue. Thank you for keeping our project secure.

How do i deploy DataWiz?

Like any other Symfony Application. There is no special configuration needed for deployment.

Tech Stack

Have a look at the docs or some thought provoking articles to get started.

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