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Untyped Lambda Calculus

An interpreter for untyped lambda calculus (ulc) with some extended grammars implemented in Scala 3. I added some extended syntax to make it easier to use (for example let binding or \ can be used instead of λ). You can check the formal grammar definition here


If you want to try it locally, the fastest way it is go to releases page and download the binary file that works for your platform.

Another the way is clone this repo and use scala-cli to build or run project with the instructions in here.


  • REPL
  • Load programs from files
  • Example with boolean, number, Y combinator and factorial.

Repl example

Architecture Overview

The overall architecture of this interpreter looks like:

       Lexer          Parser              de Bruijn indices transformation                  Evaluator
String =====> [Token] ======> Parsed AST ==================================> nameless AST  ===========> result


First we need a Lexer (or Scanner, Tokenizer) to parse the program into a list of Token. I use Parser Combinators technique with help of the wonderful cats-parse library.


Next step is a Parser, which receives a list of Token and turn it into a abstract syntax tree or parsed tree or AST for short. I also using Parser Combinator technique here by building a simple and stupid Parser Combinator by my own.

Here is the parsed AST code:

case class Stmt(val info: Info, val name: String, term: Term)
enum Term(val info: Info):
  case Var(override val info: Info, val name: String)             extends Term(info)
  case Abs(override val info: Info, val arg: Var, val term: Term) extends Term(info)
  case App(override val info: Info, val t1: Term, val t2: Term)   extends Term(info)

Note: val info: Info here is stored location information of each note, which can be very helpful when we need to show errors to users (which I haven't done, but I should).

de Bruijn Index Transformation

de Bruijn index or nameless representation of terms. Quote from Type and Programming Languages book:

De Bruijn’s idea was that we can represent terms more straightforwardly — if less readably — by making variable occurrences point directly to their binders, rather than referring to them by name. This can be accomplished by replacing named variables by natural numbers, where the number k stands for “the variable bound by the k'th enclosing λ.” For example, the ordinary term λx.x corresponds to the nameless term λ.0, while λx.λy. x (y x) corresponds to λ.λ. 1 (0 1). Nameless terms are also sometimes called de Bruijn terms, and the numeric variables in them are called de Bruijn indices.

Our nameless AST is presented as below:

enum BTerm:
  case BVar(val index: Int)
  case BAbs(val term: BTerm)
  case BApp(val t1: BTerm, val t2: BTerm)

Notice that BTerm and Term look almost the same (without name variable and location information).


The final step is the evaluation. I use the exact implementation that is described in the Evaluation section here.

We show the final result in de Bruijn form, which is not easy to read. I can improve it later by coloring the output (A variable occurrence and its binding site are assigned the same color, so that a 228 reader no longer has to count binding sites).


Lambda Calculus



  • Coloring the output
  • Better error messages
  • Recursion scheme
  • Fully functional for repl/main
  • Location information merger seems wrong