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Caddy Conditional Logging

Hey Caddy, please log only if ...

This plugin implements a logging encoder that let's you log depending on conditions.

Conditions can be express through a simple expression language.


The module name is if.

Its syntax is:

if "<expression>" [<encoder>]

This Caddy module logs as the <encoder> demands if at least one of the expressions is met.

The <expression> must be enclosed in double quotes.

The supported encoders are:

When no <encoder> is specified, a default encoder (console or json) is automatically set up depending on the environments.


The language supports simple boolean expressions.

An expression is - usually - in the form of <lhs> <operator> <rhs>. But you can compose and nest them!

Take a look at the language documentation for more information.


Log JSON to stdout if the status starts with a 4 (eg., 404).

log {
  output stdout
  format if "status ~~ `^4`" json

Log to stdout in console format if the request's method is "GET".

log {
  output stdout
  format if "request>method == `GET`" console

Log JSON to stdout if at least one of the conditions match.

log {
  output stdout
  format if "status ~~ `^4` || status ~~ `^5` || request>uri == `/`" json

Log JSON to stdout if the visit is from a Mozilla browser.

log {
  output stdout
  format if "request>headers>User-Agent>[0] ~~ `Gecko`" json

Log a JSON containing only the timestamp, the logger name, and the duration for responses with HTTP status equal to 200.

log {
  format if "status == 200" jsonselect "{ts} {logger} {duration}"

This outputs a nice JSON like the following one:


Do you wanna log Stackdriver entries only for 4** response status codes?

Let's do it!

Change the level and time format, and also change the key names for the resulting JSON.

log {
  format if "status ~~ `^4`" jsonselect "{severity:level} {timestamp:ts} {logName:logger} {httpRequest>requestMethod:request>method} {httpRequest>protocol:request>proto} {httpRequest>status:status} {httpRequest>responseSize:size} {httpRequest>userAgent:request>headers>User-Agent>[0]} {httpRequest>requestUrl:request>uri}" {
    level_format "upper"
    time_format "rfc3339_nano"

This outputs:

{"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2021-07-19T15:44:44.077586Z","logName":"http.log.access.log0","httpRequest":{"requestMethod":"GET","protocol":"HTTP/2.0","status":200,"responseSize":11348,"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 ...","requestUrl":"/leo"}}

Try it out

From the root directoy of this project, run:

xcaddy run

Then open https://localhost:2015, go on existing and non-existing pages, and observe the access logs.

To install xcaddy in case you need to, run:

go get -u


To build Caddy with this module in, execute:

xcaddy build --with
