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NodeJS util to migrate Financius data to Bluecoins


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NodeJS util to migrate Financius data to Bluecoins. You can use either the CSV Advanced import option OR generate a SQLite DB from your data. The former method is suggested and proved to yield better results with my data.


Be aware that in my experience Financius did not always behave and I had to deal with cases of duplicated transactions or odd exchange rates. My data spans over years 2015-2019, and includes multiple accounts, some of which are hidden or long unused. Also, I used about 5-6 different currencies. With all the above, the import process is far from smooth and in my case could not be fully completed successfully. Had to skip not-CONFIRMED transactions and suffer from imprecisions due to currency exchange rates difference.

Generating migration data


  1. git clone
  2. cd fincoins
  3. npm install OR yarn install
  4. In ./data/in directory place your financius JSON backup, rename it to financius.json
  5. In Bluecoins, setup your base currency.

NOTE: Make sure you are connected to the internet on the first run of the script, since it will generate a JSON with historical exchange rates.
NOTE 2: There's also a config that you can use to update any of the paths.

[Suggested] Generate CSV per Bluecoins advanced import CSV template

  1. Download the Advanced CSV Template and move it to ./data/in/template.csv.
  2. In Bluecoins create all accounts and make sure to set the correct currency for these.
  3. Go to Bluecoins -> Settings -> Local backup and do a Backup to phone storage. This .fydb will serve as a reset point in case the output is wrong and you need to adjust the script.
  4. Run the script e.g. example.js:
const fincoins = require('./');

(async () => {
  await fincoins.csv();

Note that you can also dry-run the script with your data using console.log(await fincoins.dryRun()) instead. This would print resulting accounts with name and balance.
5. The generated CSV can be found in ./data/out/transactions.csv. Copy the file to your phone and using Bluecoins -> Settings -> Import Data -> Excel (.csv). Make sure to select Advanced Version. You might need to wait a while till the import completes.
6. You can find skipped transactions (if any) in ./data/out/skipped.json. Add these manually if needed.
7. Done! (I suggest going to Accounts and verifying that everything is correct)

NOTE: In case the results are slightly off, this is due to exchange rates difference (be happy it worked). In case these are wildly off, most probably there are some rogue transactions in your input set (same thing that happened to me). Try debugging and finding the culprit. The starting point could be Bluecoins -> Accounts -> (Account with issues) -> List of transactions -> Chart (here you should be able to see unexpected spikes and determine where it all went wrong.)

Generate Bluecoins .fydb database

Beware: This method is the earlier approach and as of 2019-02-08 does not work (inserts transactions as transfers). Seems that Bluecoins DB was changed.

  1. Go to Bluecoins -> Settings -> Local backup and do a Backup to phone storage. This .fydb will serve as the base for migration script.
  2. Place the DB in ./data/in directory and rename it to bc.fydb
  3. Run the script e.g. example.js:
const fincoins = require('./');

(async () => {
  await fincoins.migrate();
  1. Find the output in ./data/out/bc.fydb. Copy it to your phone Bluecoins/Database_Export. Open Bluecoins app and in settings find Local backup, Restore from phone storage. Pick bc.fydb
  2. You can find skipped transactions (if any) in ./data/out/skipped.json. Add these manually if needed.
  3. Hopefully it worked))

For developers.

The code is dirty in certain parts of the project, mainly due to a one-time use nature of the script.

Further development

Not really planning on updating the code any time soon, but it would be nice to make it work for any type of financius input, despite any erroneous transactions or odd exchange rates.