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This is a CRA boilerplate contains TypeScript, Styled Components, Eslint, Prettier, Husky, React Testing Library, Jest and Jest Styled Components

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Repository files navigation

This is a React boilerplate

What is inside?

This project uses lot of stuff as:

Getting Started

First, install dependencies:

npm install
# or
yarn install

Second, run the development server:

npm run start
# or
yarn start

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying App.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.


  • start: runs your application on localhost:3000
  • build: creates the production build version
  • lint: runs the linter in all components and pages
  • test: runs jest to test all components and pages
  • test:watch: runs jest in watch mode
  • storybook: runs storybook on localhost:6006
  • build-storybook: create the build version of storybook
  • generate: create folder with files for a component

Folder Architecture

  • __ tests __

    Folder responsible for the storage of project tests

  • .github

    Folder responsible for the storage of dependabot settings

  • .husky

    Folder responsible for the storage of husky settings

  • .jest

    Folder responsible for the storage of tests settings

  • .storybook

    Folder responsible for the storage of storybook settings

  • generators

    Folder responsible for the storage of plop file templates

  • public

    Folder responsible for the storage of public files

  • src

    • assets

      Folder responsible for the storage of images, svg's and fonts

    • components

      Folder responsible for the storage of components

    • contexts

      Folder responsible for the storage of contexts

    • hooks

      Folder responsible for the storage of hooks

    • pages

      Folder responsible for the storage of pages

    • services

      Folder responsible for the storage of services integration and requests

    • styles

      Folder responsible for the storage of global styles

    • themes

      Folder responsible for the storage of theme settings

    • utils

      Folder responsible for the storage of utility functions

  • stories

    Folder responsible for the storage of storie in storybook

Learn More

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.


This is a CRA boilerplate contains TypeScript, Styled Components, Eslint, Prettier, Husky, React Testing Library, Jest and Jest Styled Components




