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PHPStan for WordPress

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Install via composer

composer require lipemat/phpstan-wordpress

Included Stubs

  1. The semi-official phpstan-wordpress stubs.
  2. Custom stubs
    1. lipe.php stubs specific for Lipe\Project projects.
    2. wp.php some additional stubs for WordPress

Optional Stubs

  1. WP-CLI stubs.
  2. WP-CLI Tools Stubs.
  3. CMB2 stubs
  4. Genesis stubs
  5. VIP stubs some stubs for WP VIP environments.

These may be selectively added to your phpstan.neon or phpstan.neon.dist like so:

When using library as a global install

  - %rootDir%/../../../stubs/cmb2/cmb2-3.10.php
  - %rootDir%/../../../stubs/genesis/genesis-3.4.php
  - %rootDir%/../../../stubs/wp-cli/php-cli-tools-0.11.php
  - %rootDir%/../../../stubs/vip.php
  - %rootDir%/../../php-stubs/wp-cli-stubs/wp-cli-stubs.php
  - %rootDir%/../../php-stubs/wp-cli-stubs/wp-cli-commands-stubs.php
  - %rootDir%/../../php-stubs/wp-cli-stubs/wp-cli-i18n-stubs.php
  - %rootDir%/../../../stubs/wp-cli/wp-cli.stub

When using library as composer dependency

  - %rootDir%/../../lipemat/phpstan-wordpress/stubs/cmb2/cmb2-3.10.php
  - %rootDir%/../../lipemat/phpstan-wordpress/stubs/genesis/genesis-3.4.php
  - %rootDir%/../../lipemat/phpstan-wordpress/stubs/wp-cli/php-cli-tools-0.11.php
  - %rootDir%/../../lipemat/phpstan-wordpress/stubs/vip.php
  - %rootDir%/../../php-stubs/wp-cli-stubs/wp-cli-stubs.php
  - %rootDir%/../../php-stubs/wp-cli-stubs/wp-cli-commands-stubs.php
  - %rootDir%/../../php-stubs/wp-cli-stubs/wp-cli-i18n-stubs.php
  - %rootDir%/../../lipemat/phpstan-wordpress/stubs/wp-cli/wp-cli.stub

Alternatively, you may replace %rootDir%/../../ with the relative path to your vendor directory.

Example wp-content/plugins/core/vendor/lipemat/phpstan-wordpress/stubs/cmb2/cmb2-3.10.php

Utility Types

\Union<T, U, ...X>

Combine two or more array shapes as if you were using array_merge with the second array overwriting the first.

 * @phpstan-var \Union<array{a: string}, array{b: string}> $array
 *   // results: array{a: string, b: string}

\AtLeast<T, U>

Mark a set of array shape keys as required while making the rest optional.

 * @phpstan-var \AtLeast<array{a?: string, b?: string}, 'a'> $array
 *   // results: array{a: string, b?: string}


Mark either all or specified keys in an array shape as optional.

  • \Partial<T>: Mark all keys as optional.
  • \Partial<T, K>: Mark only the specified keys as optional.
 * @phpstan-var \Optional<array{a: string, b: string}> $array
 *   // results: array{a?: string, b?: string}
 * @phpstan-var \Optional<array{a: string, b: string}, 'b'> $array
 *   // results: array{a: string, b?: string}


Mark either all or specified keys in an array shape as required.

  • \Required<T>: Mark all keys as required.
  • \Required<T, K>: Mark only the specified keys as required.
 * @phpstan-var \Required<array{a?: string, b?: string}> $array
 *   // results: array{a: string, b: string}
 * @phpstan-var \Required<array{a?: string, b?: string}, 'b'> $array
 *   // results: array{a?: string, b: string}                                                  

\Pick<T, K>

Pick only the specified keys from an array shape.

 * @phpstan-var \Pick<array{a: string, b: string}, 'a'> $array
 *   // results: array{a: string}


Mark a type as an unpredictable random value.

This utility is extremely useful in everyday projects.

 * @phpstan-var \Sarcastic<string> $string
 *   // results: anyone's guess

Optional Included Rules

As we move toward a world where we use composition over inheritance, we need to be more strict about how we write our code. These optional rules do not get us all the way there, but they are a step in the right direction while still being viable for a WordPress project.

Enable in your phpstan.neon or phpstan.neon.dist like so:

# If you are using this library as a global install
  - %rootDir%/../../../rules.neon
# If you are using this library as a composer dependency
  - %rootDir%/../../lipemat/phpstan-wordpress/rules.neon
  1. Prevent using the compact function.
  2. Require all classes to be either abstract or final.
  3. Require a declare(strict_types=1) statement in every non-empty file.
  4. Prevent using default values in class constructors.
  5. Prevent declaring a method protected in a final class in favor of private.
  6. Prevent using the switch statement in favor of match.
  7. Require any concrete methods in abstract classes to be private or final.

Distributed plugins or themes

Some rules assume you are working on a private project which will not be distributed to the community. If your project will be distributed, you may add the nonDistributed parameter to the lipemat parameter.

      nonDistributed: false

The nonDistributed set to false parameter will disable the following rules:

  1. Require all classes to be either abstract or final.
  2. Require a declare(strict_types=1) statement in every non-empty file.
  3. Require any concrete methods in abstract classes to be private or final.

Prevent any inheritance

Adding the noExtends parameter to the lipemat parameter will prevent having or extending any unlisted abstract classes.

        - Lipe\Project\SomeAbstractClass
        - Lipe\Project\SomeOtherAbstractClass
      noExtends: true

You may omit the allowedToBeExtended parameter to prevent extending any abstract classes.