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Liqo provider

Provider for Terraform to perform Liqo operations.

Getting Started

Follow this example steps to test locally the implemented provider.



  1. in .terraform.d folder (you should have it in home/<usr>/) make directory with this command replacing architecture with your architecture (example: linux_arm64 or linux_amd64):

    mkdir -p /plugins/liqo-provider/liqo/liqo/0.0.1/<architecture>/

    my complete path is the following: home/<usr>/.terraform.d/plugins/liqo-provider/liqo/liqo/0.0.1/linux_arm64/

  2. from root run command replacing path with the one created in first step:

    go build -o <path>/terraform-provider-liqo

  3. in your tell to Terraform to use provider implemented locally by yourself with this directive in required_providers:

    source = "liqo-provider/liqo/liqo"

    for example:

    terraform {
        required_providers {
            liqo = {
                source = "liqo-provider/liqo/liqo"