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Allegheny College CMPSC COMP-liux2

The COMP project for Allegheny College Computer Science department class of 2020. This project implemented a system to recommend music tracks based on user-submitted texts. The text can be the form of diary or video transcribes, which could contain users’ current emotions. The recommended music can be got by matching the text with the song lyrics. By using the system, people can fill their emotional needs whenever they want. The website of the system is

Getting Started


System and Python

This application was built on Linux system, the Python version was 3.7.6. Pyenv is recommended for Python version management. Here is a good tutorial on how to install Pyenv on your system.

Pipenv was used to manage the Python dependencies, here is a good tutorial on how to install and use Pipenv.

Dependency Installation

To install the dependencies, use pipenv install to install from Pipfile. If you want to install by importing the requirement.txt, use pipenv install -r path/to/requirements. txt to install.

The complete dependency list is as follows, please also refer to Pipfile and requirement.txt.

lyricsgenius = "==1.8.2"
spacy = "==2.2.4"
networkx = "==2.4"
graphviz = "==0.13.2"
pytextrank = "==2.0.1"
numpy = "==1.18.2"
pip = "*"
six = "==1.14.0"
py-stringmatching = "==0.4.1"
spacy-langdetect = "==0.1.2"
attrs = "==19.3.0"
bcrypt = "==3.1.7"
beautifulsoup4 = "==4.6.0"
blis = "==0.4.1"
catalogue = "==1.0.0"
certifi = "==2019.11.28"
cffi = "==1.14.0"
chardet = "==3.0.4"
click = "==7.1.1"
coverage = "==5.0.4"
cymem = "==2.0.3"
decorator = "==4.4.2"
idna = "==2.9"
importlib-metadata = "==1.5.0"
itsdangerous = "==1.1.0"
langdetect = "==1.0.7"
more-itertools = "==8.2.0"
murmurhash = "==1.0.2"
plac = "==1.1.3"
pluggy = "==0.13.1"
preshed = "==3.0.2"
py = "==1.8.1"
pycparser = "==2.20"
pyparsing = "==2.4.6"
pytest = "==5.4.1"
requests = "==2.23.0"
srsly = "==1.0.2"
thinc = "==7.4.0"
tqdm = "==4.43.0"
urllib3 = "==1.25.8"
wasabi = "==0.6.0"
wcwidth = "==0.1.8"
zipp = "==3.1.0"
Flask = "==1.1.1"
Flask-WTF = "==0.14.3"
Flask-SQLAlchemy = "==2.4.1"
Flask-Bcrypt = "==0.7.1"
Flask-Login = "==0.5.0"
Jinja2 = "==3.0.0a1"
MarkupSafe = "==1.1.1"
SQLAlchemy = "==1.3.15"
Werkzeug = "==1.0.0"
WTForms = "==2.2.1"
gunicorn = "*"
pytest-cov = "*"

Running the Tests

Use pipenv run test to test the application. The test files are under music_sug/test/ directory. The bash script is music_sug/scripts/


To deploy the project, first install the dependencies, then use pipenv run setup to install the language model, generate the database, and commit the lyrics model.

The options for the web server could be Nginx and gunicorn.


Install nginx by using apt install nginx. A simple Nginx proxy configuration under /etc/nginx/sites-enabled could be:

server {
        listen 80;
        server_name Your_IP_adress;
        location / {
                proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
                include /etc/nginx/proxy_params;
                proxy_redirect off;

After setting up the configuration file, use systemctl restart nginx to restart the service.


Gunicorn is responsible for handling the Python code, it should be installed with Pipfile already. The app can be run with gunicorn -w number_of_workers name_of_main_program:app. The number of worker are defined as (2 * number_of_CPU_cores) + 1. The name of main program in this project is app, so use app:app in the command.


Supervisor was used to monitor and manage the processes. To install supervisor, use apt install supervisor.

Under /etc/supervisor/, create a configuration file, a simple sample can be:

command=path/to/project/virtual/environment/bin/gunicorn -w number_of_workers name_of_main_program:app

Under /var/log/ create a directory for your project logs. In the example above, the files music_sug.err.log and music_sug.out.log should be created.

Reload the configuration by using supervisorctl reload, now the application should be up and running.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.