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MEMDS (Mutation Enrichment followed by upscaled Maximum Depth Sequencing) protocol output analysis pipeline

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MEMDS output analysis, SLURM version

The pipeline is designed to run on distributed computing systems (clusters) managed by SLURM (

Prerequisite programs:

The pipeline makes use of several external programs. The easiest way to make sure that all dependencies are installed is to use Conda package manager. Alternatively, one can install manually the programs listed below, however in this case program locations need to be added to the $PATH prior to running the pipeline.

Install bioconda:

Use Conda to create environment with the following programs:

conda create -n modules3 python=2.7 bwa cutadapt fastqc pear perl picard pysam biopython samtools seqtk trimmomatic

Check that all the programs are present in the newly created environment (program version might be different):

bwa 0.7.17
samtools 1.9
cutadapt 1.18
fastqc 0.11.8
pear 0.9.6
python 2.7.15
pysam 0.15.2
biopython 1.73
trimmomatic 0.39
perl 5.26.2
seqtk 1.3

Pipeline usage:


a) Prepare the parameter files needed to run the pipeline, as outlined in the guide "Parameter_file_preparation.pdf".

b) Navigate to the folder containing pipeline scripts: cd path/to/project/scripts. The pipeline is designed to run only from inside the "scripts" folder.

1) Joining partial *.fastq files (if data is separated across several lanes):

a) Prepare: more_scripts/samples_table_0.txt
b) Run: bash
c) Check output file "more_scripts/". Make sure it doesn't include comments indicating errors.
d) Run: srun bash more_scripts/
e) Check: concatenated output files to ensure that no data is missing.

2) Organizing parameter files:

a) Prepare in the "scripts/design" folder:; samples_table.txt; factors_table.txt
b) In the sequences directory (as listed in, prepare reference fasta files. Each reference file should contain single reference sequence. All reference files should have the extension .fa.
c) Run:
bash (Paired-end data) or
bash (Single-end data)
d) Check: output file design/ Make sure it contains all parameter data and doesn't include comments indicating errors.

3) Quality control and merging (for paired-end data):

a) Run:
bash $i ($i is a number 1 to 5 (5 is optional)) for paired-end data or
bash $i ($i is a number 1 to 4 (4 is optional)) for single-end data.
Note: All steps are running on Slurm. The steps should be run in a sequential manner; don't start a new step before completion of the previous one!
b) In each step check that the jobs are completed on the grid using "sacct" command.
c) Check the output at each step:
step 1: Check Fastqc *.html output for quality analysis of the raw data.
step 2: For paired-end data only. Check Pear results (merged fastq files). Check * file for the percentage of reads that were merged.
step 3: Check quality-filtered fastq files - Cutadapt and Trimmomatic output - and log files. Each filtered fastq can be viewed with the tool "less" in Linux.
step 4: Check Fastqc *.html output for quality analysis of the filtered data.
step 5: Optional. Check subsampled reads' data for "sanity checks" in the "tests" directory.

4) Separating barcode sequences and gene sequence:

a) Run: bash 1
b) Check that the jobs are completed on the grid using "sacct" command.
c) Check in the filtered directory trimming information files: *.trimmed.barcodes files (correctly trimmed), *.wrongId.barcodes files (unexpected identifiers), and *.trimmed.log files (stating percentage of reads with correct identifiers).
Check that correct barcode sequences are recognized by the script and that most reads in the data contain correct barcodes.

5) Sorting paralogous genes based on unique sequence signature:

a) Run: bash 1
b) Check that the jobs are completed on the grid using "sacct" command.
c) Check sorted fastq files in the "sorted" directory.
The *.withIndels.log files contain all the correctly matched reads with a shift in the frame.
The *.others.fastq files contain reads that couldn't be matched to either reference sequence.

6) Mapping filtered, trimmed and sorted reads to reference:

a) Run: bash 1
b) Check that dictionary files are generated for each *.fa file in the reference sequence directory.
c) Run: bash 2
d) Check that the jobs are completed on the grid using "sacct" command.
e) Check that read-reference alignment files (*.sam and *.bam) are created in the "mapping" directory for each sorted fastq file.

7) Adjusting mapping results so they can be viewed with IGV viewer:

a) Run: bash 1
b) Check the *.barcode.fasta files created in the "mapping" direcory.
c) After this stage, all files for IGV inspection (visual inspection of the alignments) should be ready in the "mapping" directory: *.bam, *.bam.bai, *.barcode.fasta.

8) Detecting potential mutations per read:

a) Run: bash 1
b) Check that the jobs are completed on the grid using "sacct" command.
c) Check the resulting output mutation tables (*.mutations.txt) and log files (*.log.txt) in the "mutations" directory. The log files list number of reads analyzed in each sorted fastq file for mutation presence.

9) Detecting potential mutations per primary-barcode family:

a) Run: bash 1
b) Check that the jobs are completed on the grid using "sacct" command.
c) Check the resulting output mutation tables (*.mutationFrequncyPerBarcode.txt) and log files (*.mutationFrequncyPerBarcode.log.txt) in the "tables.BC3cutoff1" directory. The log files list number of reads analyzed in each sorted fastq file for mutation presence.
d) Check "tag-BC3_missing" output mutation tables for analysis of reads lacking secondary barcode.

10a) Collating mutation data per primary-barcode family:

a) Run: bash 1
b) Check that the jobs are completed on the grid using "sacct" command.
c) Check the resulting summary tables in the "tables_consensus.BC3cutoff1" directory. In these tables all mutation information per primary-barcode family presented in a single row, as a semi-colon separated lists.

10b) Generating consensus mutation tables:

a) Run: bash 2
b) Check that the jobs are completed on the grid using "sacct" command.
c) Check the resulting consensus tables in the "tables_consensus.BC3cutoff1" directory. Consensus tables list mutation profiles of each primary-bracode read family, after filtering them through a defined set of cutoff criteria. Mutations passing the combined cutoff criteria are shown as is. Ambigous positions where both mutation and wild-type reads do not pass the combined cutoff criteria are shown as 'N'. Read families where all mutations are rejected, but wild-type reads pass the combined cutoff criteria at these positions are considered wild-type ('WT').


MEMDS (Mutation Enrichment followed by upscaled Maximum Depth Sequencing) protocol output analysis pipeline







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