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Cattose is a Jetpack Compose sample app. This project serves as a sandbox environment to experiment and explore new features in Android development.

The app currently includes two screens: a list screen that shows random kitties images in a grid, and a detail screen that provides information about kitty's breed.


Cattose follows the MVVM pattern with the repository approach and integrates elements of Clean Architecture, such as using dependency injection with interfaces, resulting in a decoupled design that is flexible and adaptable to changes, aligned to Android Architecture Guide from Google.

Main Development Libraries


List screen Detail screen

Open API

Cattose uses TheCatApi as the data source. This API is a valuable resource for developers looking to incorporate cat images or information about various cat breeds into their applications. It offers endpoints to access random cat images, search for specific cat breeds, and retrieve detailed information about each breed, including their characteristics and traits. For further details, visit the official API documentation.

There are some restrictions on the usage without providing the API KEY, which can be set in the secrets file, however it is possible to test the application without the key.


This project contains code and inspirations from nowinandroid app, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Cattose is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0). See the license for more information.