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42 Barcelona Cybersecurity bootcamp - RSA asymetric key study.

The aim of this exercise is to introduced the bootcamper inside RSA and make me aware of the importance of entropy in primes generation.

I have to proof that it is posible break RSA security when we use weak random generation.

Please execute the files in this order:

1.- # generates real e,n,p,q,d of RSA asymetric keys.

2.- Inside of folder files # select ps and qs

    Bash $ cat salida_encryp.txt | cut -d ',' -f4  | sed  's/p=//g' > theps.txt
    Bash $ cat salida_encryp.txt | cut -d ',' -f5  | sed  's/q=//g' > theqs.txt

3.- # creates RSA asymetric keys with low entropy and ciphers messages

4.- # writes common ps in "common_factors.txt"

5.- # creates private kesy form public keys

Approach ONE

After studing RSA mathematics i learnt that is mathemattically possible obtaing a private key from a public key.

Given p & q positive big primes.

Being e (exponent) = 65537 and n (modulus) = p * q.

n is the open secret (Ellis - 1970).

encryption : C = pow(M,e) mod n
decryption : M = pow(C,d) mod n

From public key we con go to private key with this formula:

d = modular inverse of (e, λ(n))

λ(n) is the Carmichael totien function.

a ** k congruent with 1 (mod n) meaning that for every a, smaller than n, and coprime with n, k is the smallest number that pow(a, k) % n = 1.

d is de modular multiplier inverse of e and λ(n).

def modinv(a,m):
    g, x, y = egcd(a,m)
    if g != 1:
        raise Exception('No modular inverse')
    return x%m
def carmichael(n):
    coprimes = [x for x in range(1, n) if gcd(x, n) == 1]
    k = 1
    while not all(pow(x, k, n) == 1 for x in coprimes):
        k += 1
    return k

egcd is the extended euclidean algoritm. this algorithm, aside calculate the gcd thru the remainders of the division, it takes into consiseration the quiotiens of such division.

def egcd(a,b):
    Extended euclidean ALgorithm
    if a == 0:
        return(b, 0, 1)
    g, y, x = egcd(b%a, a)
    return (g, x - (b//a) * y , y)

Althoug it is mathematically possible to infer private key from public key, computationally is not possible nowadays.

I timeit the algorithm with these results:

len(n) (secs) n e λ(n) d
16 bits 000 n=0000055189 65537 4560 833
17 bits 000 n=0000049163 65537 24360 19913
18 bits 000 n=0000166493 65537 82830 28643
19 bits 000 n=0000142859 65537 71052 2873
20 bits 003 n=0000711197 65537 354750 276473
21 bits 001 n=0000637253 65537 45402 21719
22 bits 012 n=0003330841 65537 831796 394861
23 bits 007 n=0002630651 65537 262740 192173
24 bits 030 n=0009554689 65537 367250 135223
25 bits 045 n=0009027989 65537 4510950 2032223
26 bits 195 n=0050975047 65537 8493456 8041937
27 bits 142 n=0038412643 65537 6400008 4579721
28 bits 793 n=0178359197 65537 44583120 32650433
29 bits 993 n=0178371139 65537 89172212 31403553
30 bits 2628 n=0573445219 65537 95566020 45780173
31 bits 2690 n=0615414277 65537 51280368 37485521
512 bits ???? n=10198396198775561957312427155980896031621481057689583114412695093823692869122007487913250993135767612909846550167087384856500083695811014490975969639561161 65537 ? ?

All this you can find it in It is mathematically feasible but computationally impracticable.

Approach TWO &

I need different approach.

I need pairs of keys with open secret that have common factors. This is only possible if the rsa random generator is weak, with low entropy.

It is quite relevant to me that imported library matters.

I uncovered that

import rsa
(publickey, privateKey)  rsa.newkeys(keylength,True,4)  

allows keylenght starting in 16 Bits, but

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa 

private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(  

raises ValueError: key_size must be at least 512-bits.

Additionally i uncover that

import rsa
(publickey, privateKey) = rsa.newkeys(keylength,True,4)
cypheredtext = rsa.encrypt(plaintext.encode('ascii'),publickey)

works with keylenght >= 90 bits

if we add one more letter to the plaintext

import rsa
(publickey, privateKey) = rsa.newkeys(keylength,True,4)
cypheredtext = rsa.encrypt(plaintext.encode('ascii'),publickey)

works with keylenght >= 98 bits

To encryp keylenght >= -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
"4" >= 90 bits MBMCDAOPHm2kz6tYv+tCCwIDAQAB
"42" >= 98 bits MBQCDQLdTVvzDOKJQOOcQL0CAwEAAQ==
"42B" >= 106 bits MBUCDgL+FzV3A+pDocXNCmMpAgMBAAE=
"42Ba" >= 114 bits MBYCDwIQZLre60pgkhdw3DbZ6QIDAQAB
"42Bar" >= 122 bits MBcCEAMS0QDTwtxLRpZJcGvhCxkCAwEAAQ==
"42Barc" >= 130 bits MBgCEQIny18a4Vn/LCGRgZBf9cRHAgMBAAE=
"42Barce" >= 138 bits MBkCEgIxB1y1LNZQIPA+sN/+P9cCkwIDAQAB
"42Barcel" >= 146 bits MBoCEwMjAA9Q97ISXi2o2Mk3ICW2JssCAwEAAQ==
"42Barcelo" >= 154 bits MBsCFAIaRDbXdW29NmXte7BBI07nHg4rAgMBAAE=
"42Barcelon" >= 162 bits MBwCFQNtXHe4G4RCQwSdYhhR/EJjGRd+AwIDAQAB
"42Barcelona" >= 170 bits MB0CFgOd9wlBGunhTRvI5GQzi+7rMOT1LR8CAwEAAQ==

According to this i will use pairs of public-private keys w a modulus of n that fits in 170 bits.

plaintext lenght has to be no longer than k-11 bytes, being k the lenght in bytes required to hold n

Another learning is about decoding. I have to encrypt a bytes array, so i encode the plaintext I have to decode the encrypted token as it is.

I tryed otherwise and i got errors.

cypheredtext = rsa.encrypt(plaintext.encode(),pubkey,)
deciferedtext = rsa.decrypt(cypheredtext,privkey)

I generated 100 pairs of public-private RSA keys with a modulus(n) of length of 170 bits After calculate 9900 gdc between all diferente 99 pairs i concluded that rsa uses a strong primes generator, despite deal wiht 170 bits.

I repeated the experiment wiht a modulus of lenth 90 getting same results.


My final approach is generate the pairs of public and private keys using primes not generated randomly.

1.- wiht rsa i generate 100 pairs of keys wiht 2048 bits for the moduls and save all parameters

keylength=2048  # I choose this length as it is the minimun to encrypt 42Barcelona

for num in range(100):  #  i generate 100 keys to play with them
    # Key generation
    (publickey, privateKey) = rsa.newkeys(keylength)
     with open("salida_encryp.txt", 'a') as f:

        line = f"e={pubkey.e}, n={pubkey.n:>52},d={privkey.d:>52}, p={privkey.p:>28}, q={privkey.q:>25},{plaintext}==>{cypheredtext}\n"

An example of the output is this:






4==>b'_\x13+\x03\xdb\xae\x94\xd8\xcb>k\x89U\x83\xe7fg\xa3^\xbd\x94\x96\x84o\xdc\xcf\x13\xc2\x19\x08B\xf5gy\x90\xabI\xc5g2\x9a\xc1^#S\xf0t\xe6\x8f6\xa1&\x98\x91\xf9\xbbk\xe4\xee\xe2\xa6\x87w\xef\x0f\xe1*\x9en\xc3$]\xbd\xc8\xcd\x98v\x0b\xac\x99 \x00\x97m\xbev3k\x0eXT5\x0fj$\xfc\xaeC\x1b\xaa\xa0\xb0\xaa%\xc9\xba8@\x05\xfd\xc0q\x14\xb1\xef\xcb\\\xf6\xdc#\xe0\x8eX\xed\xc0\x9b\xf3\xb1\xeb\x837v"_t\x0b\xb8\xe2\xd3\xee\x87\x04\xb5\rp\x1b\x15\xbf\xbf\x1a#\xc0\x07\xbc\x8f/\xbc\x0f\xd7+\xe7\xa3\xb0\xcd\x1e\xd9\xd4\x06D\x8d\x98w'\x89\xb5\xaf9\xb0I\xb7\x12D\x08,9D|\xac\x1dE\x8f\xe3;\xfa+\xe8\xa9\xc7\x9e\r\xcf\xb0"\x92=\xdc<T\x89Y\xb7\x86\x8dbU\xa5\xe8f\xfa\x1b\x9d\xc3\xe5\xce\x1d"e!\xa8\xbb\x15\xd7P#\xae\x9a9\xad"\xa8\x12K~m\xcd\xf7r\xcb$\xeb\xd8- \x1d'

2.- I collect the qs in a file. I collect the ps in a file. All qs and the P are prime positive integers

Bash $ cat salida_encryp.txt | cut -d ',' -f4  | sed  's/p=//g' > theps.txt
Bash $ cat salida_encryp.txt | cut -d ',' -f5  | sed  's/q=//g' > theqs.txt

3.- My prime generator with low entropy will use random.randrange(0,24) for selecting from a 25 size small subset of ps and qs. I generate 100 fake public keys.

    from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
    #generate a fake public key
    idx = random.randrange(0,24)
    p = theps[idx]
    q = theqs[idx]
    n = p*q
    e = 65537
    rsa_components = (n,e)
    rsa_key= RSA.construct(rsa_components,consistency_check=True,)
    fake_public_key  = rsa_key.export_key(format='PEM',pkcs=1)

4.- Ciper plaintext wiht the different 100 fake public keys in this way. I changed each plaintext accordint to this template:

thisplaintext = plaintext + f"_message_{num:0>3}"

bein num=001..099 the number of fake public key

    from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP
    from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
    # reading public key
    with open(pathPub,'r') as publicfile:
        publickey = RSA.import_key(
    # create an encrypter    
    cipher =

    ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext.encode())

    with open(pathEnc, 'wb') as f:

5.- Uncover common factors between ns from the 100 fake public keys.

As i have created 100 public keys, for each one of them i try to find commond divisor wiht other 99 public keys

for num in range(0, 100):  #  i generated 100 keys to play with them
    # reading first public key
    # ...... more code here
    with open(pathPub,'rb') as publicfile:
        publickey1 = RSA.import_key(

    for num2 in range(num + 1, 100):  #  i generated 100 keys to play with them
    # ...... more code here
        if pathPub != pathPub2:

            # reading first public key
            with open(pathPub2,'rb') as publicfile2:
                publickey2 = RSA.import_key(

            gcd_n1_n2 = gcd(publickey1.n, publickey2.n)

            if gcd_n1_n2 != 1:  # figure out how to track this factor
                if gcd_n1_n2 in gcd_dict.keys():
                    gcd_dict[gcd_n1_n2].append((num, num2))
                    gcd_dict[gcd_n1_n2] = [(num, num2)]

i use a dictionary for registering common factors and pairs of fake public keys

181772......22875527:[(61, 81)] 199546......13919607:[(69, 75)] 262964......95484463:[(76, 93)]

Found commond factores are saved in file common_factors.txt

Playing wiht my level of entropy i created this table that show entropy importance.

entropy % collisions
random.randrange(0,99) 46 0,93%
random.randrange(0,49) 111 2,24%
random.randrange(0,24) 207 4.18%
random.randrange(0,12) 426 8,60%

Previous gcd_n1_n2 is a p in n1 = p * q1 and n2 = p * q2

At this point it is possible to calculate q1 as n1 // p and q2 as n2 // p, construct a private key and uncipher the message.

To do that we recover de function used in the first approach. egdc and modinv.

1.- From common_factors.txt i read P and a list of tuples that share p as common factor

            p = int(factor)
            n = publickey.n
            exp = publickey.e
            q = n // p
                T = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
                d = modinv(exp, T)
                d = None
            rsa_components = (n,exp,d,p,q)

            privatekey= rsa_key= RSA.construct(rsa_components,consistency_check=True)


p_q_nnn_public.pem 100 fake public keys with n of 2048 bits length 2048_nnn_public.pem 100 public keys with n of 2048 bits length 2048_nnn_private.pem 100 private keys with n of 2048 bits length 2048_nnn_mesagge.enc 100 encryptions of plaintext "42Barcelona" wiht 100 different 2048_nnn_public.pem keys nnn_public.pem one public key with n of nnn bits length nnn= 016..179
nnn_private.pem one Prvate key with n of nnn bits length nnn= 016..179


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