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Project IWeather

This project was developed as part of the Rocketseat React Native Bootcamp (Ignite22). It follows a template project for the UI, with a focus on introducing concepts of unit testing and end-to-end testing in a React Native environment.

  • Testing Components
  • Testing Hooks
  • Testing Component Integration


While most of the concepts discussed in this module weren't new to me, I approached the project with a desire to explore new testing concepts and gain insights. I particularly appreciated the organization of the test folders and mocks into a separate directory outside the src folder.

However, it's worth noting that the module itself appears to be somewhat outdated and may not adhere to some of the current best practices, especially in its usage of React Testing Library (RTL) utilities. To address this, I utilized the eslint-plugin-testing-library to handle those errors and ensure a better approach to testing.


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