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react-hook-form-zod is a library that combines react-hook-form and zod to create forms with validation.

Its primary purpose is to reduce the boilerplate required to use zod with react-hook-form.


npm install react-hook-form-zod zod
yarn add react-hook-form-zod zod
pnpm add react-hook-form-zod zod


import { useForm } from "react-hook-form-zod";
import { z } from "zod";

const schema = z.object({
  name: z.string().min(3).max(10),
  age: z.number().min(18),

function Form() {
  const form = useForm({

  // ...

API Reference

The API is identical to react-hook-form with the exception of the useForm hook. useForm takes three additional options which correspond to the arguments of the zodResolver factory function:

  • schema: a zod schema (required)
  • schemaOptions: options for the zod schema
  • factoryOptions: options for the hookform resolver factory