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@lukeed lukeed released this 18 Sep 19:00


  • Remove Promise around app.listen (#19): dc56b9d, e34a2a4

    The previous polka.listen was a Promise & had structured input, both of which made it unique from existing frameworks. However, it was also a gotcha for projects migrating from existing frameworks.

    Instead, polka.listen now passes all arguments directly to the underling server.listen, which is arguably more "in tune" with the rest of Polka's ideology around native http integration.

    The new method will now rerun the current Polka instance directly, allowing you to continue chaining from it, or allowing you to grab the server or handler values immediately. Previously, .listen() always had to be last in your chain & resolved to nothing.

    // Could not do this before 0.5.0
    const { server, handler } = polka().listen();
    // Or this!
    const app = polka().listen(PORT, onAppStart);
    app.use('users', require('./users'))
      .get('/', (req, res) => {
        res.end('Pretty cool!');
  • Removed built-in .METHOD() prototype methods for all 34 http.METHODS: 6d5d094

    The large majority of these are never used; eg: ACL, MKCOL, MKCALENDAR, etc.

    These HTTP/1.1 verbs are supported / available to your Polka applications:

    • GET -> .get()
    • POST -> .post()
    • OPTIONS -> .options()
    • DELETE -> .delete()
    • PATCH -> .patch()
    • PUT -> .put()
    • HEAD -> .head()
    • CONNECT -> .connect()
    • TRACE -> .trace()


  • Polka now supports multiple route-specific handlers! (#18): 42574ac, aac1859, a82f571

    This was the most anticipated & most request feature for Polka 🎉

    Put simply, variadic route handlers allows you to chain middleware for specific paths. This was only feasible before through req.path filters on sub-application or global middleware. Routes can now be modular, allowing you to compose/reuse your server route-by-route instead of group-by-group.

    Supporting this dramatically improves compatibility between Express and Polka applications. Most importantly, though, this did not come at the expense of performance~!

    Here's a very basic example using passport, which was often a driver for this feature request:

    const app = polka();'/login', 
      // This "guards" this route, executing first
      passport.authenticate('local', { failureRedirect: '/login' }),
      // This is the "main" function of this route
      function (req, res) {
  • NEW @polka/url package: 44a5757, da00320, 87bac82, 17c54a7
    Super lightweight URL parser built specifically for Node.js servers.


  • (send-type) Lowercase all custom headers keys before parsing (#57): 83731c5

